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Down Franklin Way

General Summary

A long train ride home brings our companions back to Canton after a very interesting trip to Biltmore Village, and the famed house of the Vanderbilts. With a bit of money in their pockets, they proceeded to establish an office of sorts. Some land, with a building for Henry to keep a small lab and place to keep his tinctures and potions. A barn and stable where Leon keeps the horses and animals fed and housed. Room for Gerry to set up his own study, and even some spare rooms for Fanny to stay for a while. With Agatha safely in the stable, and these new friends who are so interesting, she is decided they may be able to help her out a little more.   The group worked well together and set up the homestead in hopes of using their abilities to help the local folks. Thanks to their help with the horse thieves, they were well known, and of course, the Chapels put in a good word for them, and helped their reputation. But with the Vanderbilt girl needing some proper training and wanting to keep the newly once again living George Vanderbilt in their good graces, they thought it might be a good time to seek out a friendly witch who might be up to the task.   Turns out, Fanny's Auntie Moses, who Fanny had been searching after, may be able to help, but it had been years since Fanny had seen her. The name struck a bell with Leon and Henry, who made mention of an Auntie Moses out towards Franklin, west of town. Using the truck that they recovered from the horse thieves, the group headed out to see what they could discover.   When they got to the outskirts of town, they found an overgrown road leading to the place they thought they would find Auntie Moses. Instead, they found an abandoned shack. There were holes dug up around the property with bits of broken glass, blood, and bone. Remnants of once powerful wards against haints and boogers. Inside the house, strange deep shadows hung around in corners despite light shining through the cracked windows. Leaping from the corners, strange creatures with limbs bent wrong directions attacked.   Our heroes defended themselves, striking back, eventually lighting a fire on an old dusty curtain, and thrusting it at the wrong looking shadows. The resulting explosion that blew the walls off the house nearly killed them, but when they recovered, the shadows of coal dust were gone. A search of what was left of the house revealed a small journal, proof that Auntie Moses had been here for a time but had to leave quickly.   Needing to clean up, and get some more information, the group headed into town. Though it was late evening, most shops and businesses had closed, and numerous people were all walking toward a field just outside of the main square. When spotted, the townsfolk invited the group to the tent revival that was happening, and not wanting to appear rude, the party obliged.   As they got closer, music and singing could be heard from a large white and yellow tent. Seems like most of the town must have been here. Upon entering the tent, the music reached a fever pitch, and two men, dressed finely and playing banjos, brought the crowd to the raucous end of the song, shouting hallelujahs and amens from the main stage.
Report Date
16 Mar 2024
Secondary Location
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