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The Sentient Tree and The Cindering

Long ago a creature was formed into a tree to keep a dangerous entity entrapped. This sentient tree held a middle thing known as the Cindering within its roots. Who the Cindering served, or what its purpose were is now lost to memory, but the tree would not abandon its post. Given the chance, it would request help from those lost in the thicket. Help to find a way to release it from its eternal duty.   The Sentient Tree claimed responsibility for the curse that had befallen Stonega; a punishment for the betrayal by Pollard Bales. Upon encountering the tree in Jimmie's hell, the Canton Companions offered to help if they could, in exchange for removing the curse. The tree had sought for millenia to be free of her duty to keep The Cindering imprisoned in her roots. If the party only promised to find a way to free her, without releasing The Cindering, she would do as asked and lift the curse immediately.   Meanwhile, the Cindering, slithering creature that it is, wormed its way into the minds of the four as they spoke to the tree. Though many resisted, Gerry found himself beset with images of pure happiness, which were just as quickly pulled away. The Cindering promised him these feelings and more if he released it from its prison by any means possible. Gerry did not immediately act, and the Cindering's influence stayed with him, even as the Sentient Tree lifted the curse and allowed the companions to exit the thicket. A splinter of wood in each of their palms as a sign of the pact they had made.   There is no time limit on the promise. The party most only stay committed to finding a solution and returning to the thicket once they have one. If they ever give up their intention to help, they will suffer a curse much the same as Stonega did. And the Cindering still has its many legs wrapped around a part of Gerry's mind.
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