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Craftwork Gnomes

The Craftwork are an ethnicity of the Gnomes.   Not be confused with their Fieldwork cousins, Craftwork Gnomes tend to have more light features. Pale white-purple skin, light colored eyes, light blonde or white hair.   While gnomes don't remember where they came from, it's believed that Craftwork Gnomes stayed primarily indoors and worked on inventions and gadgets, thus explaining their lighter features. A common trait among Craftwork Gnomes is light sensitivity, many carry around goggles or hoods when going outside. Craftwork Gnomes also seem to be able to see in the dark slightly better than Fieldwork Gnomes.   A rare trait among Gnomes that doesn't seem too common among the other races is that Gnomes seem to naturally embrace their ethnicities rather dearly. It's very often a Gnome will grow up thinking his family was known for Craftwork or Fieldwork and embrace that fully. Those who break away from this patterns are really the odd man out.   People commonly know Craftwork Gnomes as being a good source to have something be designed or crafted for them. Give them an idea of what you want, be it a tool, a weapon, or a puzzle box, and they will do the thinking heavy lifting to produce a prototype or blueprint for you.


Culture and cultural heritage

While Fieldwork Gnomes often leave their hometown in order to discover new things in the world, Craftwork Gnomes almost always stay where they were raised to work on gadgets and gizmos. While they don't always produce particularly world saving/improving devices, they often to find entertainment out of crafting something new and showing it to their peers. A common practice among Craftwork Gnomes is to show other in their workshop what they made and attempt to one up themselves. This often results in rather strange or even impractical devices, but can be a big laugh or celebration during gatherings.


Beauty Ideals

"Beauty to most Gnomes is the idea of discovering something new, or out right never before seen. If there was a way to somehow encourage this euphoric feeling of discovery onto a dress when it came to Gnomes, I'd be a wealthy man." - Overheard between a Gnome and a Human in a tavern.

Gender Ideals

Gender matters very little to Gnomes in general, and it may be the Craftwork Gnomes who care even less about it.

Courtship Ideals

In the rare times that Gnomes do attempt to date one another, it's usually someone they have a common interest with. A biologist falling for another biologist, a psychologist falling for a psychologist.   There are also occasions of Gnomes pairing off due to nearby interests, ones that can challenge them and teach them something new. A cartographer and a geographer for example.

Relationship Ideals

The Craftwork, much like all Gnomes, don't invest much time in the trivial pursuits of dating and relationships. Very few find an interest in starting a family, but those that do usually seem to overcompensate by having many different children. Those who are involved more in the physical sciences seem to have less interest in starting a family, while those who seemingly have more of an interest in social sciences or art get much more involved. This could be due in part by the more solitude nature of physical sciences compared to the much more social and outspoken world of social sciences.   It should be noted too that homosexual relationships are not usually looked down upon by Gnomes, they seem to disregard them just as often as heterosexual relationships.
"As long as I have my tools, and my goggles, the world's my workshop!" - Tarvalus
Encompassed species


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