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The Betrayer

The Sixth Prince Of Hell and Original Demon, Mordred spent the first few centuries after The Shattering adhering to his duties, but after watching the rest of Terah for so long, arrogance began to creep into his heart. He soon came to believe that the Demons were the superior species and started instilling that rhetoric in those around him until finally he had almost the entire Demon race ready for conquest, leading to the great war now known as The Demon Revolt. Mordred always held a certain contempt for the rest of the Originals. He saw Dante Kovacs and Cain as pale imitations of himself, Abel Voronin could never match his speed, Loki was just a joker who never took anything seriously, and he viewed Seth Ambrose , Lilith Ambrose , and Charlotte as weak and frail. The only ones he had a small amount of respect for were Azazel Wolfenstein and Ifrit, purely because they were the only ones who could match his strength, which led him to try and recruit Ifrit to his side at the time of his revolt. Azazel was too brash and reckless to be reasoned with, and besides, he had a soft spot for the Ambrose siblings, he would never side against them.
330 lbs


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