Audocavan Confederated Cities Organization in Oleanus | World Anvil

Audocavan Confederated Cities (Ah-do-cav-ahn)


The Confederation of Cities is overseen by the Guild Master Council, made up the guild masters of each Audocavan industry guild, each serving a five year term.  As each guild manages every aspect of an industry from the acquisition of raw materials, distribution of said raw materials to producers, to the sale of finished production, the guild master is seen as the foremost authority and advocate for their industry.   While each guild master has a an equal vote on council, if a motion will affect a particular industry or guild more than others, that guild master will usually be given opportunity to speak on the matter before a vote is held.   In the event a new guild joins the council, be it from a new establishment or a larger guild splits a specific interest into its own guild, such as when the clothiers guild split from their former guild, textiles.

Public Agenda

Though each guild have their own agenda, the most obvious motivator is profit.  Nearly every guild's policy is aimed around reducing the price of raw goods, and raising the value of finished materials.  The only exception is the justice guild as they serve the public.


With no standing military, the Guild Master Council will hire mercenaries to help in any conflicts that could not be solved by trade or coin.

For the Good of the Guild; For the Good of Us All


  • Eadwulf City Map
  • Beatus
Founding Date
Political, Confederation
Alternative Names
The Golden Empire, The Banker's Trap
Leader Title
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Power Structure
Economic System
Market economy
Olean coinage is the official currency of the Audocavan Confederation
Legislative Body
Though motions, proposals, laws and queries are often drafted for council by solicitors working for the justice guild, all proposals are voted on by the council as a whole, often with the representative from the justice guild abstaining, or only acting as a tie breaker.
Judicial Body
The justice guild educates, appoints and seats all solicitors and judges within the Audocavan Confederation.  Most guilds are appointed their own judge and solicitor, seating juries of guild members for what are considered a "house violation," while a "civil violations" are heard by a civil justice, and argued by civil solicitors.     Wealthy citizens often contract the services of a private civil solicitor, usually doubling as their estate solicitor.  Those of moderate means may hire solicitors as needed, or maybe be allowed by their guild to retain the service of their house solicitor.  For those in great need, a charity solicitor will be appointed at the expense of the justice guild.
Executive Body
The Audocavan Confederation Cities holds no standing military.  Laws and custom are enforced in each city by the city guild council and a patrol guard, trained and staffed by the justice guild.
Official Languages
Related Ethnicities


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