Eyes of Light Organization in Oleanus | World Anvil

Eyes of Light

Divine Origins

Based on the concepts of good and evil, the Eyes of Light is a duotheistic faith.  The Lord and the Light represents the good and just, while The Shadow and Sin stands for the evils in the world.  The two concepts are locked in an eternal struggle between Shadow tempting the soul to evil, while the Light redeems.   Followers of Light do not acknowledge any other faith as legitimate.  All other deities are seen as agents of the Shadow.

Tenets of Faith

  1. Treat all kindly, as they walk in the Light beside you.
  2. Shine the Light in all dark places, bring others into the Light.
  3. The seventh day casts long shadows. All work done in the shadows is not seen by the Lord.
  4. Honor all contracts in the Light, as the Lord bore witness.


Because of the vague tenants, interpretation is loose, and what is considered sinful behavior is left up to the Father, as is the punishment.  This leads to similar offenses being sentenced differently, possibly due to the Father presiding over the confession.  Women are often punished more severely, regardless of the perceived wrong.   Common atonement for sins include:
  • Public shaming
  • Public whipping
  • Excommunication/exiling
  • Forced servitude/slavery
  • Forced sacrifices
  • Confinement to Asylum of Light


Followers of the Eyes of Light worship on the final (seventh) day of the week, with formal services starting at dawn, and lasting three hours.  No work is to be done on this day, as Followers of Light believe the day is cast in shadows, and the Lord and the Light does not see the work they do, and all work must be done for the Lord and the Light.  Some families choose to fast on this day, while others prepare food the day before.  Wealthy families often utilize servants (often foreigners and not of the faith) to tend to needs.  The prohibition on work include cooking, cleaning, harvesting, craftwork, and travel.  Only travel to and from worship services are permitted.   Worship services include a sermon, passing of a donation basket, hymnal choir, public confessional, possible judgement, and silent prayer.  Though the service is only three hours, some spend all day in temple services.   On all days, temples are open to the needy, preparing charity meals and shelters for those most vulnerable.  However, though the Eyes of Light preach charity toward others, it is often difficult for those in need to access these services on worship days as other congregates will indulge in the meals prepared for the sick and poor.


Only men may serve the faith.  Fathers wear robes with long sleeves and shrouded hats that cover them completely, including hands and faces.  Their identity is not known to the public, even high ranking government officials.

All That is Good is Done in the Light

Religious, Organised Religion
Followers of the Light
Leader Title
Permeated Organizations


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