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Sir Talor Venn

Sir Talor Venn

Talor is the ‘son’ of Lord Malen Venn and his mother Lady Arela.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Talor is a handsome man with a slight point to his ears revealing an elven heritage. He has longish blond hair pulled back in a pony tail that lets his green eyes shine.

Body Features

Talor's father's elven feature are very strong. He can easily pass for an elf to those who aren't discerning.

Facial Features

Pointed ears

Apparel & Accessories

It all depends on the situation. Given his upbringing, he knows when to wear more fine attire. In general he likes to wear comfortable clothing that he could wear on a hunt.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Talor is the ‘son’ of Lord Malen Venn and his mother Lady Arela. Twenty years ago, his mother accidently fell through a portal into the land of the Fey. There an elf was taken with her, seduced and charmed her, and lay with her. Although to his mother it seemed like a hazy eternity, in the prime realm it was only hours before her guard found her on the edge of the river asleep.   She couldn’t recall what happened and no priests or wizards could help her remember. When it was found she was pregnant, it took multiple priests having casting truth spells to convince Lord Venn that his wife hadn’t been willingly unfaithful.   She remained secluded during her pregnancy with the word spread that she was ill. She had a miraculous recovery nine months later. Oddly nine months later a young baby was found on the edge of the river in a basket and Lord Venn had graciously adopted him.   Lord Venn had four other children two boys and two girls. Although three of his siblings liked him well enough for an adopted child, his eldest sister disliked him for some reason almost to the point of hatred. Talor did his best to stay away from her. In addition, Lord Venn rarely wanted anything to do with the boy.   Overall Talor’s life was reasonable. He had two things he like to do a lot, go snooping around for information and going hunting with his father’s warden. Talor especially liked snooping around when his father had gatherings. Once his father figured out what his son got up to, he started to use him to his advantage and pay his adopted son more attention.   When he wasn’t snooping about, he accompanied the warden, Janus Falk on hunts. He learned a fair amount about survival and hunting. One night he learned a lot more. During a snooping session at a gathering, he overheard Janus and another man talking about various dangers to the land, his father, and who might be behind things.   Later Talor confronted Janus and threatened to tell his father that the warden was up to suspicious activity unless he told him what was going on. Janus told him that he was part of a secret group called the Raven’s Whisper. The Whisper was dedicated to watching the activities of various people in power including the nobles. Their purpose was to make sure that those without riches and power were not overly taken advantage of. The lure of power and greed was one many couldn’t resist, so the Whisper did what it could.   Roughly two months later Talor accompanied his father’s entourage as he went to pay respects to the local duke. Talor spent most of his time with Janus, learning as much as he could. Along the way the entourage was attacked and all were killed except Talor. Travelers found the scene and they mercifully tended to Talor and got aid from the castle.   His brother sent a search party, but they could not find the attackers. After his brother received lordship of the lands, Talor left in search of one person who might know a little about what happened, the man who had spoken to Janus that night two months ago.


Having grown up in a noble house, Talor does have a decent education.


Information gatherer
Neutral (with good tendencies)
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Talor's family is a noble family of decent reputation so he does have a title of Sir
blond, medium/long length ponytail
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Common Elven Dwarven Gnomish Thieve's cant

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