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The Raven Queen

Divine Domains

Death, Souls, Entropy, Oaths, Memory

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Ravens and occasionally crows are seen as psychopomps, connecting the prime material plane with other realms and acting as guides to many. They have impossible memories and enjoy playing small tricks on people. Seeing just a single corvid is considered an omen of bad luck. Finding two (2), however, is good luck. Three (3) means health, four (4) means wealth. Yet, spotting five (5) means sickness, and witnessing six (6) means death is nearby. It is common to see flocks of dark corvids before or after a battle. Some say that whichever way the flock flies indicates the winners of the battle, though to others the sign only indicates whichever side will lose more lives.

Tenets of Faith

  • Death is the natural end of life. There is no pity for those who pass away.
  • Those who force others into undeath must be destroyed.
  • End the life of those who increase their life span through the death of others.
  • Collect and Honor the memories of those who have passed.
  • Those who pervert the transition of the soul must be brought down.


As astronomers and planar scholars studied and divided the global calendar into neat 450 days, two days were left outside the calendar and given to the worship of The Queen. The Final Day and The New Dawn exist as the last day of winter, and the first day of spring, respectively, existing outside the numbered calendar days. During these days, it is common for many to fast through the evening and night of The Final Day, preparing for a celebration on the morning of The New Dawn. Prayers to The Queen concerning the passing of loved ones and elders from the past year are followed the next day by celebratory rituals of life and asking for another year without her intervention.

Depictions in Art


Nāve (Death) by Janis Rozentāls

Soft Departure

The Raven Queen

(Great Deity, Primordial)




Divine Domains

Divine Classification
Deity / Primordial

Clerical Domains

Life, Death, Grave, Knowledge, Order

Symbolic Icon

The profile of a raven facing to the left  

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Cover image: by @meridianskies


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