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Welcome to Oloris
We of the Blue Visage Conservation and Archivist Society dedicate our services to the collection and protection of pieces of history from the known planes. Displayed here are some such collections.

Oloris is an ancient place.
It's an ancient place. The land of the material plane never settled, and no map made by mortals is ever really accurate. Parts of the world are old and known, sections scarred from catastrophes and wars wrought upon it. Parts of the world are new, rising from the shifting of the earth, sea, and sky.
Parts of the world thought to be undiscovered, found to be older than what has ever been thought possible.
Along with the never resting earth, the skies and the planes themselves shift and ripple with time. The thinning and thickening of the space and void between planes has changed once again, and it continues to do so. Creatures and the inhabitants of the land evolve with their adjusted needs. Kingdoms rise and fall. War is battled and won...or lost. Life continues in spite. With resilience.

Some say that the lands are cursed, that civilizations and cities are damned to fall, and refuge must be sought in The Uncharted. Others strive to embrace the great changes that the years bring, great feats of modern engineering and magic-tech coming from the lessons that the earth taught.

Today, Oloris seems to be in a global recovery after the last Great Shift, known to some simply as The Fourth. Creatures die out or move on and adapt. Magic remains a mystery to be fully realized; new technology is made. While some knowledge is lost, many secrets of the world that were forgotten can be rediscovered.

Though, sometimes it's best that they stay buried.

This is my attempt to work on my worldbuilding and the world anvil platform itself by writing about the homebrew d&d 5e world that my friends and I play in. I'm putting all the secrets and people and mysteries out in the open - more for myself for easy access - but I hope that you enjoy them! A lot of 5e things remain, but I like to add my own spices. Not everything is completely original, but I add my inspiration when applicable.

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