Brightfire Tradition / Ritual in Olutanri | World Anvil
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A New Year, A New Cycle

On the first day of the first month of the year (1 ışıkayı ) begins the month of unending light. With each new year, The White Sun is at the most powerful time in its 120 day cycle. In reverence and jubilee, the "civilized" species of Seclora celebrate the return of The White Sun to power and ritually seek protection for the darkness coming 61 days later on 1 Kararmaayı when The Black Moon returns in full force.   The more "rural" a community is, the more likely they are to celebrate Brightfire.

Fire and Smoke

The White Sun being at it's brightest and strongest is honoured by the preparation and ignition of large bonfires. The light, heat, and smoke of these fires bringing a good aura to all thoughs who pass through these children of light. All other fires in the town were put out - a symbol of overcoming the final destruction of The Black Moon's power from the previous cycle - to be lit anew with fire from these new fires, young and pure.

Attire and Decoration

Any clothing that invites young energy, warmth, love, and passion are widely encouraged. Bright warm colours such as red, orange, green, and yellow are displayed in a cacaphony of colour. Garlands of fresh flowers and herbs, and boughs of young trees adorn most houses and businesses for those that can afford such luxury.

Supposed Effects

Protection from natural and supernatural harm were first and foremost attained by all participants. Property is said to be blessed when renewed by new fire. For the particularly ambitious, driving flocks and herds to pasture past the bonfires during the festival extends the protection and blessing. The animals and their products would be exceptionally bountiful if they received the appropriate treatments prescribed by all the traditions every year.   Babies born on this day are especially celebrated and are thought to have exceptional luck and vitality ahead. For those struggling to conceive, fertility is also much higher during the Brightfire.   Crops could also be blessed by walking through sewn fields with branches lit by the bonfires, bringing the light of The White Sun ever closer for their nourishment and growth.

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Author's Notes

The Brightfire Festival is a modified form of the Gaelic May Day Festival, Bealtaine.

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