Paphos Settlement in Olympus Rho | World Anvil


Once home to a great warrior culture, the populace of Paphos is now--in theory--pacifistic. Genetically engineered chemical brakes prevent any citizen from inflicting violence on another. Rather than end the ancient conflict between two warring clans, the conflict has merely moved underground using foreigners as agents in a secret proxy war.   The one settlement on the frozen world of Paphos is segregated into two citizens' quarters, each run by a mega-corporation descended from one of the ancient clans. In the middle, a demilitarized zone serves as a buffer and home to over a hundred thousand offworlders. The DMZ is a slum with no police force outside the various hired mercenary groups paid by those that live there. Offworlders are looked down upon, can never obtain citizenship, and are only allowed in the citizen quarters under strict supervision.   Despite this, offworlders are a crucial part of Paphos' ecosystem. They serve as black market mercenaries, performing infiltrations, assaults, murder, and any other task that might require violence that the locals are incapable of doing themselves. These Ghosts are paid well to risk much, using fake identities and bleeding edge technology to survive. The chemical brakes that prevent Paphos citizens from committing violent acts don't apply to offworlders, so the risk to these Ghosts is very real.   Why would any offworlder be crazy enough to take such risks? Because Ghosts are paid very well. And because Paphos is home to the best cyberware available in the sector. Any offworlder that capable of surviving for a year on Paphos has likely acquired the skills, weaponry, and implants necessary to make it as a mercenary anywhere in the sector.   Many Imperial Houses are attempting to integrate Paphos into their territory for its valuable cyberware and biotechnology. Likewise, House Poseidon often recruits here, as the skills of a former Ghost are uniquely suited to that of a space pirate.
83 Million
Inhabitant Demonym


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