Zinri Yiovo Character in Omari | World Anvil

Zinri Yiovo

Most people think of daring adventurers and the like when they are asked what a hero is. But, there just might be a heroic individual in an unlikely place. Even the most common folk have the potential to do great deeds.
  A beloved member of her community, Zinri was a firbolg woman who became well known for her brave and selfless actions during the era of strife. Her strive to ensure everyone had access to food paved the way for future related efforts and laws. She was born and raised in the village of Chamuri just outside of the Kinderfolk Grove on the eastern island Neofai. Zinri lived from 293 to 402.    
"Everyone deserves to eat. I never understood why some folk in other towns feel the need to hoard their food. How can you call yourself a community if you do not look out for each other?"
— Zinri

Kindhearted Chef

  With village elders as her mentors, Zinri learned to cook at a young age. She could always be found toddling behind them doing her best to help in the kitchen. Her clan is a caring group who looks out for everyone and she was no exception. Zinri picked up these skills easily and her elders encouraged her further as they saw her potential.   In her free time, she enjoyed helping out in the village gardens. She loved learning where their food came from and how to create only the best ingredients. Zinri didn't mind helping out with the physical aspects of gardening. Her clan members couldn't help but to smile and laugh as they watched her dart about the rows of produce.   When she was old enough, Zinri began working for the main kitchen of her village. It is located in a communal dining hall where many clan members shared meals. She always made sure everyone had enough to eat and would be last to feed herself. Seeing her village well fed made her happy. Even on her bad days, knowing everyone had at least one good meal that day was enough for her.

Call to Aid

  Zinri lived the second half of her life during the era of strife. Her village was relatively safe and unaware of what was happening at the beginning of this era. As tensions grew and conflicts exploded across the lands, malicious groups began hoarding supplies, stealing food, and preventing opposed groups from gaining access to aide and materials. They learned of all this when a scout from the nearby village Otava rushed over in search of assistance. Zinri was the first to greet them and listened as they asked for food and medical supplies.   According to the scout, Otava was occupied by a group hoping to steal resources and overrun nearby settlements on their path to gain an advantage in the current conflicts. Shocked, Zinri held an emergency meeting with her village elders. She couldn't stand by and let something like this happen without doing anything. With permission she vowed to assist them in whatever way she could. They worked out plans to help Otava's residents leave to safer locations until the occupation was over. Her village welcomed in as many as they could.   Within a couple weeks Zinri helped establish a team who would work in secret to supply not only Otava, but other affected people with food and resources. She wanted to do more than just stand by in the safety of Chamuri. Despite her wife insisting she stayed home, Zinri led the supply line and used the firbolg's power of invisibility to her advantage.  
"Darling, please, stay here with me and let someone more experienced handle this. I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if something happens out there."   "I know, Adna, but we have so few options. Many of our people are either too old, frail, or not able to bring themselves to hurt someone if they were attacked. I want to do this and am one of the few able bodied people who can vanish from sight. Jaxva is calling to me and I feel like I must do this. I promise to make it back safe, my love."   With a sigh, Adna gave Zinri a tight embrace and a parting kiss. She couldn't contain her tears any longer.   "I swear you're too stubborn for your own good, Zinri. I will pray each morning at the shrine for you and the others until you all return unharmed."
— The parting conversation between Zinri and her wife Adna before she left for her first supply run.

Perilous Cause

  Zinri spent the last twelve years of her life working with groups on their relief efforts. Her first mission to establish a secret trade line almost failed when the tunnel they utilized collapsed. She spent that entire night helping free members of their team who were trapped. After sending them all back to Chamuri, Zinri finished the job herself and pulled the cart of food the rest of the way to the drop point. To Adna's relief, she returned home covered in dirt and only a few minor lacerations.   There were other dangers to deal with during those turbulent years. Zinri and her supporters worked around the different conflicts at the time and did their best to avoid those causing food shortages in the first place. One encounter left her in an enemy's prison after some of their efforts were discovered. She wanted to protect her friends and turned herself in as the sole culprit to appease them. Furious and terrified, Adna contacted the newly formed Agi's Scales to eventually free Zinri and bring her home.   Zinri worked from the sidelines more often after that, but was still active in helping others. As more people joined, she delegated them to tasks that would suit their skills. They continued to fight for the easy access to food and resources. More groups formed across the other islands as the need increased due to the long lasting conflicts.   Tension between peopel decreased over time, but a new problem arose when a mystery condition spread across the islands in the span of two months. It affected many of the crops and made feeding everyone more difficult than ever before. Zinri worked entirly from home by this point. She still corresponded with her humanitarian network, but shifted focus to caring for her wife and village.   Zinri didn't live to see the end of the fammine or the start of a better era. She often went without eating or consumed a single meal depending on food availibility. Her wife and community came first. People noticed and did their best to save out small portions for her, but she insisted everyone eat their fill. Chamuri survived the winter because of her efforts.   In the early spring, Zinri caught a flu. Her body was too weak to fight it due to the malnutrition that started to overtake her. The village healers did everything they could to heal and support her. She passed in the early morning a week later, cradled in the arms of her wife. Adna whispered a parting song to easae her into the afterlife.   Four days later Chamuri received word that not only was there progress in ending the crop plague, but the Scales were on their way with relief efforts as well.  

Compassionate Legacy

  After a period of mourning, Adna created a sculpture of Zinri to display at the shrine of Jaxva. The village elders agreed that she embodied the deitie's virtues and would fit well at the temple. Zinri was named a saint and her statue remains there in present day.   Her work with humanitarian groups set a precident for future laws and charity work. Current legislation requires stores, restaraunts, and other food providers to take steps in donating supplies that would otherwise be thrown in the trash, as long as they are still safe for consumption. Many food pantries and free markets were created in her honor.   The villagers in Chamuri started a new holiday the first year after Zinri's death. It starts on her birthday and lasts for three days. From dawn to dusk, everyone fasts and spends quality time with their family and loved ones. People take turns telling stories and sharing the good deeds they provided during the year. During the fast, village elders collect food donations from the community. On the evening of the third night, they celebrate with a feast created from the gathered supplies.
Deceased - Aged 109 years
Gender Identity
Cis Female
Heijor and Valna Yiovo
Adna Luric

Cover image: by Krzysiek
Character Portrait image: by Hero Forge


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Feb 12, 2021 22:00 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Awww, this is so sad. She did so much for her community but didn't live to see the end of the famine. :(

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet
Feb 12, 2021 22:08 by Ezra Aldrich

I'm sorry for the sadness! I'm a sucker for emotional punishment. :L I had to take many breaks with this one near the end 'cause I made *myself* sad.

Feb 12, 2021 22:17 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Aw :( <3

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet
Feb 15, 2021 22:38 by Michael Chandra


Too low they build who build beneath the stars - Edward Young
Feb 19, 2021 18:27 by O4

True hero! Fascinating how realistic Zinri actually feels as a hero. Now I only wish we had more people like her in the real world. One of my favorite heroes on this challenge :))

Feb 19, 2021 21:10 by Ezra Aldrich

Oh gosh, thank you! I wasn't sure if people would enjoy it as it's not as fantastical as a more typical adventurer type hero, but I'm glad to see some of you liked reading it. c :

Feb 21, 2021 11:39 by Angantyr

It shreds my heart to read about her death. But for everything she did for her community, for those in need, for the faith and importance of compassion, I am also happy to learn it all did not go in vain.   I will miss her...

Playing around with words and worlds