A small race of seemingly inconsequential beings that spend their rather long lifespans alongside the many sentient races of Gaia, usually being regarded as individualistic pets or companions. What they lack for in intelligence, they make up for in usefulness.
A small excerpt from the book 'Critters and Monstrosities', by Hum'ro Skadi, as published in 2342 AFL.
"It amazes me how little the regular people know about these insanely useful tiny buggers. Lacking any real sapience, they regardless understand the nature of work and will gladly exchange their services for food, lodging and sometimes clothing. I suppose I shouldn't be so surprised that their existence is a mystery to most, given that these fairy-like entities can make themselves invisible at will. It is not uncommon to only see their reptilian (or amphibious) kind roaming around in shops and airships, as they're great to help with cleaning and repairs in places we would otherwise find difficult to reach, and tend not to hide overmuch in these situations as there's little risk involved in doing so.
As for their appearance and origin, I'm afraid those remain an enigma. They've been around as long as humes and other species, and there's been no observable evolution from their lesser brethren of similar design. Many posit the Sylphs take on a similar appearance of whatever reptilian creature they're most keen on, possessing no real bodies until absolutely necessary. Although I'm no expert in the matter, I would argue the same."
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