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Aoqos, The Wanderer

"Aoqos is more like a reliable pair of old traveling boots than a lucky coin you keep in your pocket for a pinch" ~ Endar Wa of Astrum

Divine Domains


Dreams, to a follower of Aoqos, are not idle fancies or easily forgotten. It is said that a dream is a path Aoqos walks along in mortal minds, treading time along its stream. Many devout followers with the intuition to record dreams have seen visions of future events or events from far-flung locations. While not all dreams are portents of things to come, the devout know the power in learning to read the wanderings of Aoqos.


The followers of Aoqos often relate stories of his journeys across the planes; Sojourns through the vast Astral Sea, his rescue of faithful believers from Limbo, and his clashes with leviathan elementals on the Elemental Desmenes. Any follower that has ventured outside Omiralon Prime is immediately given more credibility and status, and though many attempt the feat, few but the most dedicated seafarers manage to return.

The Ocean

The Ocean, to the Wayfarers Divine, is a sacred symbol. Passage over large bodies of water is seen not only as a noble and righteous undertaking, but also a right of passage. Any believer of Aoqos that has not taken at least one sea voyage is seen as uncommitted at best, and unrecognized at worst. Any that seek to become a cleric of Aoqos are connected with the nearest seafarers guild or ocean-going merchant group, who typically have at least a cleric of Aoqos per 3 ships. The ocean is also seen as a metaphor for both the planes through which Aoqos wanders (the Astral Sea, notably) and the mutability of his character.

Tenets of Faith

  • Of those that wander, none return unchanged. Change is the only inevitability.
  • Take great heed of dreams, for they are the journeys of the spirit.
  • If a man knows not what harbor he seeks, any wind is the right wind, but ship without sails goes nowhere.


Storm's Respite, held on the first full moon of Kirafis after the Reaping each year. it is a bittersweet day, filled with grand tales of journeys past, but remembrances of companions lost along the way. On land, festivities typically begin at sunset with a feast and a toast offered by the most seasoned traveler/sailor, followed by general carousing well into the early hours of the morning. At sea, the festivities are more brief, though the watchkeepers are allowed some leniency during the evening, and any passages that occur around the holiday include a more relaxed timetable to account.   Sojourn, held on the first new moon of Kirafis during Sindam, is a day of hope and excitement. Ships undertaking voyages near the holiday plan schedules around it, as leaving port on the day is considered a good omen, not matter how far the journey. Traditionally, prospective Clerics of Aoqos seek to begin their training on a ship during the day as well, with the longer voyages favored. Those required to remain on land partake in a ritual of hope in which believers gather by the nearest body of water, sharing a strong drink said to enhance and clarify the drinker's dreams.
Divine Classification
Immortal, Deity


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