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Beus Os'Bar, The Fallen One

Divine Domains


To those not devoted to Beus Os' Bar, the actions of his disciples may seem haphazard, unplanned, and downright strange. A devout follower might seem, to an observer, to be completely normal, an upstanding member of society, until upon closer inspection, the observer sees a pattern of strange habits, woven into the fabric of the devout's life. A follower of Beus is always pushing, however slightly, toward an altered version of the accepted norm. They believe that all it takes to upset the balance of any given structure is the smallest amount of disruption; the more seemingly insignificant the action, the more worthy of doing, particularly in relation to its effect.


Madness, to a disciple of Beus Os' Bar, is not simply a state of mind, but a state of being. The teachings of Beus are often difficult to understand in that they are typically meandering in focus and incomplete. The devout, however, claim the true meaning of their texts are revealed to them through a practice referred to as "The Drifting" in which the devout is seemingly active in action, but is not choosing or even necessarily cognizant of those actions. This strange sort of "meditation" allows the devout to be "impressed upon" by Beus, who reveals desires and plans directly.


Caves, with their ever-winding tunnels and chasms, suit the followers of Beus Os' Bar well. Many scholars outside his believers have understood this as a reflection of the deity's other two domains in the minds of his followers, but this is only half true. While the minds of the disciples of Beus are twisted and unpredictable, it is the loss of the sense of direction in the dark that the disciples relish most. Where the uninitiated feel a deep sense of fear within the deep caves under Omiralon, the disciples embrace and even seek it. It is not uncommon for those that delve into the depths to encounter a disciple of Beus Os' Bar, seeking his deity in the dark.

Tenets of Faith

  • The way is found by those who discard it. Only the lost can truly find their path. 
  • The smallest nudge sets the longest fall in motion. 
  • Disarray is the most natural order of the universe. 


There are no known holidays observed in the worship of Beus Os'Bar.
Divine Classification
Immortal, Deity


Beus Os' Bar is represented by an empty, cagelike prism standing on a point. Often thought of as a cage for the disciples of Beus, it more accurately represents unpredictability, for a prism standing on a point cannot remain as it is.


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