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Elona, The Lady of Peace

Divine Domains


Songs are the highest form of worship and praise to a follower of Lady Peace. A bard writing a song is said to be channeling Elona; singing a song is said to be bringing her peace to all those who can hear. While the playing of the harp is typically seen as the most desired instrument, it is not uncommon for the devout of Elona to play multiple instruments and have a well-practiced singing voice besides. Bards of all kinds are held in high regard, even to those outside of the patronage of Elona, and having one's deeds immortalized in a song is to be elevated to sainthood in the eyes of her believers.


Self-sacrifice is a sacred duty to the any that profess belief in Elona, and it is expected that such deeds are shown as a way to state belief, rather than with the words themselves. Temples dedicated to Elona are places where the poor gather; the Clerics of Elona are generous to the point of going hungry to ensure their visitors eat. The clerics are wary of those trying to take advantage of their generosity, however, and will deal harshly indeed with such people, seeing greedy actions as a capital sin against Lady Peace.


To the followers of Lady Peace, violence is the worst act imaginable. It is said that a follower of Elona would rather die by the hands of another than to raise a hand in defense. In this case, the tale is true, and the stereotype even more pervasive than the tellers believe. Those that profess belief in Elona are summarily cast out and exiled from her temples if they ever harm another, as Lady Peace protects her innocent.

Tenets of Faith

  • The peace of Elona rides on melody; blessings are given to those that create it.
  • Cursed is the hand that is raised in violence.
  • All life is sacred, but the innocent other more so than the self.


Saint's Tribute is both a reminder of the selflessness and lives of those dedicated to the worship of Elona and a call to practice selflessness worthy of remembering. Observance of the day often involves charitable acts by Elona's followers and extreme asceticism. Even actions normally seen as required for personal preservation are forgone on this day, as a show of loyalty to Lady Peace and reunification to her will. Candlelight vigils are held starting at dusk through the night, often accompanied by harmonic acapella chants of axioms and truisms reminding believers of the tenets of faith in Lady Peace. Due to it's solemn nature and proximity to Ysgrial, the week is often referred to by believers of both Mahella'su and Elona as the "Week of the Solemn Cycle". 

Harmony is the pinnacle of the year for those devoted to Elona. Held in the middle of the planting season, during the first full moon of Kirafis in Banem. The celebration is five days long, during which bards and anyone with musical talent perform nearly without ceasing. An air of levity is typical, as the bards will set themselves to play just outside the audible range of others, leading to a blanket of music throughout an area. While Harmony is often referred to by outsiders as a shorter, more prudish version of the Festival of the Mask (Ibuso), it is similar only in that Bards are encouraged to perform their own work for the first time during the festival. The practice has become such a draw that a prominent space in a given settlement is reserved for those wishing to debut their music, and a crowd settling around this area for the full five days is very common. Feasting and drinking are also part of the celebrations, varying by settlement, but this practice has mostly been added by worshippers of Ibuso and to a lesser degree, Aoqos.
Divine Classification
Immortal, Deity


Elona is symbolized by a white harp - The Harp is often described as the most soothing of instruments, with the color white often associated with the moon Kirafis and the purity. These are both strong aspects of Elona.


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