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Natively known as: gulðːɐin /gulˈðːɐɪn/

  ...and he stood holding his hat and turned his wet face to the wind...
i dä orn joks ark snil i vu joks glylv fjor uskob fårs
Pronunciation: /iː dɛ ɔrn jɔks ark sniːl iː vɵ jɔks glyːlv fjɔr ˈɵskɔb foːrs/
Guldain word order: and stood holding hat his he and turned his face wet the wind to  

Spelling & Phonology

  Consonant inventory: b d f g h j k l m n p r s t v ŋ ɕ ɖ ɧ ʂ
↓Manner/Place→ Bilabial Labiodental Alveolar Retroflex Alveolo-palatal Palatal Velar Glottal
Nasal m n ŋ
Stop p b t d ɖ k g
Fricative f v s ʂ ɕ h
Approximant j
Trill r
Lateral approximant l
Co-articulated phonemes
↓Manner/Place→ Sj-sound
Fricative ɧ
Vowel inventory: a eː iː oː uː yː øː œ ɑː ɔ ɛ ɛː ɪ ɵ ʉː ʊ ʏ
Front Central Back
High iː yː ʉː
Near-high ɪ ʏ ʊ
High-mid eː øː ɵ
Low-mid ɛ ɛː œ ɔ
Low a ɑː
Syllable structure: Custom defined
Stress pattern: Penultimate — stress is on the second last syllable   Spelling rules:
Pronunciation Spelling
ɛː ä
ɛ ä
øː ö
œ ö
ɔ o
ʏ y
ʉː u
ɵ u
ʊ o
ɪ i
ɑː a
ŋn gn
ŋ ng
j g / _#
ɧ sj
kk ck
ɕ k
C₁C₁ C₁ / _j


  Main word order: Verb Object (Prepositional phrase) Subject. “Mary opened the door with a key” turns into Opened the door with a key Mary.
Adjective order: Adjectives are positioned after the noun.
Adposition: postpositions  


  Nouns have seven cases:
  • Nominative is the doer of a verb: dog bites man.
  • Accusative is the done-to of a verb: man bites dog.
  • Genitive is the possessor of something: dog’s tail hits man.
  • Dative is the recipient of something: man gives ball to dog.
  • Locative is the location of something: man goes to town.
  • Ablative is movement away from something: man walks from town.
  • Instrumental is the use of something: man writes with (using) pen.


Singular Plural
Nominative No affix
aa /ˈaɑː/ the dog (when doing the verb)
If starts with vowel: Prefix m-
Else: Prefix mʏ-
maa /ˈmaɑː/ the dogs (when doing the verb)
Accusative Prefix ʉː-
uaa /ʉːˈaɑː/ (verb done to) the dog
If starts with vowel: Prefix kr-
Else: Prefix krɪ-
kraa /ˈkraɑː/ (verb done to) the dogs
Genitive Prefix klɔ-
kloaa /klɔˈaɑː/ the dogʼs
If starts with vowel: Prefix br-
Else: Prefix broː-
braa /ˈbraɑː/ the dogsʼ
Dative If starts with vowel: Prefix l-
Else: Prefix la-
laa /ˈlaɑː/ to the dog
If starts with vowel: Prefix sk-
Else: Prefix skøː-
skaa /ˈskaɑː/ to the dogs
Locative Prefix ʊ-
oaa /ʊˈaɑː/ near/at/by the dog
Prefix pɛ-
päaa /pɛˈaɑː/ near/at/by the dogs
Ablative If starts with vowel: Prefix k-
Else: Prefix kœ-
kaa /ˈkaɑː/ from the dog
If starts with vowel: Prefix kr-
Else: Prefix krʉː-
kraa /ˈkraɑː/ from the dogs
Instrumental If starts with vowel: Prefix spr-
Else: Prefix sprɛ-
spraa /ˈspraɑː/ with/using the dog
Prefix mʏ-
myaa /mʏˈaɑː/ with/using the dogs


Singular Plural
Nominative If starts with vowel: Prefix kr-
Else: Prefix krɛ-
kraa /ˈkraɑː/ a dog (when doing the verb)
If starts with vowel: Prefix v-
Else: Prefix vœ-
vaa /ˈvaɑː/ some dogs (when doing the verb)
Accusative If starts with vowel: Prefix l-
Else: Prefix liː-
laa /ˈlaɑː/ (verb done to) a dog
Prefix a-
aaa /aˈaɑː/ (verb done to) some dogs
Genitive Prefix grʉː-
gruaa /grʉːˈaɑː/ a dogʼs
If starts with vowel: Prefix sv-
Else: Prefix svoː-
svaa /ˈsvaɑː/ some dogsʼ
Dative Prefix ɔ-
oaa /ɔˈaɑː/ to a dog
If starts with vowel: Prefix ɧ-
Else: Prefix ɧʊ-
sjaa /ˈɧaɑː/ to some dogs
Locative Prefix uː-
oaa /uːˈaɑː/ near/at/by a dog
If starts with vowel: Prefix v-
Else: Prefix vøː-
vaa /ˈvaɑː/ near/at/by some dogs
Ablative Prefix tiː-
tiaa /tiːˈaɑː/ from a)dog
Prefix oː-
åaa /oːˈaɑː/ from some dogs
Instrumental Prefix œ-
öaa /œˈaɑː/ with/using a dog
Prefix fɛː-
fäaa /fɛːˈaɑː/ with/using some dogs


  Guldain encodes definite article ‘the’, and indefinite article ‘a’ in noun affixes. See Noun section.


1st singular 2nd singular 3rd singular masc 3rd singular fem 1st plural 2nd plural 3rd plural
Nominative sla /sla/ I kvett /kveːtt/ you snil /sniːl/ he, it yrt /yːrt/ she, it /nœ/ we sjän /ɧɛn/ you all /jœ/ they
Accusative ro /ruː/ me url /ɵrl/ you träk /trɛːk/ him, it nurt /nɵrt/ her, it kral /kral/ us krupt /krʉːpt/ you all tvast /tvast/ them
Genitive ho /hʊ/ mine di /dɪ/ yours joks /jɔks/ his, its /sɛ/ hers, its svysst /svyːsst/ ours plirg /plɪrj/ yours (pl) vy /vyː/ theirs
Dative e /eː/ to me bly /blʏ/ to you skri /skrɪ/ to him, at it öpp /øːpp/ to her, at it lermt /leːrmt/ to us ipt /iːpt/ to you all fjo /fjuː/ to them
Locative ki /ɕiː/ at me ogs /ʊgs/ at you män /mɛn/ at him, at it pant /pɑːnt/ at her, at it no /nɔ/ at us hest /heːst/ at you all no /nʊ/ at them
Ablative o /uː/ from me lall /lall/ from you glung /glʉːŋ/ from him, from it fryngkt /fryːŋkt/ from her, from it ra /ra/ from us fav /fav/ from you all brö /brœ/ from them
Instrumental fond /fɔnd/ with/using me klam /klɑːm/ with/using you orn /ʊrn/ with/using him/it dräpp /drɛpp/ with/using her/it klä /klɛː/ with/using us um /ʉːm/ with/using you all rel /reːl/ with/using them

Possessive determiners

1st singular ho /hʊ/ my
2nd singular di /dɪ/ your
3rd singular masc joks /jɔks/ his
3rd singular fem /sɛ/ her
1st plural svysst /svyːsst/ our
2nd plural plirg /plɪrj/ your (pl)
3rd plural vy /vyː/ their


1st person If starts with vowel: Prefix n-
Else: Prefix nɵ-
nufä /ˈnɵfɛː/ (I/we) will learn
2nd person If starts with vowel: Prefix g-
Else: Prefix geː-
gefä /ˈgeːfɛː/ (you/you all) will learn
3rd person If starts with vowel: Prefix kr-
Else: Prefix krɛ-
kräfä /ˈkrɛfɛː/ (he/she/it/they) will learn
Guldain uses a standalone particle word for past tense:
Past Particle before the verb: hʏ -
hy fä /hʏ fɛː/ learned

Perfect aspect

  The perfect aspect in English is exemplified in ‘I have read this book’, which expresses an event that took place before the time spoken but which has an effect on or is in some way still relevant to the present.
Guldain uses an affix for the perfect aspect:
Perfect Reduplicate last part of last syllable
fää /ˈfɛːɛː/ have learned


  Guldain has a base-20 number system:   1 - krö
2 - lorl
3 - mant
4 - klond
5 - ho
6 - trä
7 - sla
8 - nåd
9 - fi
10 - fjag
11 - pammyk
12 - vant
13 - dög
14 - url
15 - ock
16 - lagn
17 - ild
18 - rip
19 - vul
20 - ösosköd
(Four) hundred - a
(Eight) thousand - drons  

Derivational morphology

  Adjective → adverb = If starts with vowel: Prefix ɕ-
Else: Prefix ɕɛ-
Adjective → noun (the quality of being [adj]) = If ends with vowel: Suffix -m
Else: Suffix -ɛːm
Adjective → verb (to make something [adj]) = If ends with vowel: Suffix -nsk
Else: Suffix -oːnsk
Noun → adjective (having the quality of [noun]) = If ends with vowel: Suffix -ŋkt
Else: Suffix -ɛːŋkt
Noun → adjective relating to noun (e.g. economy → economic) = If ends with vowel: Suffix -k
Else: Suffix -ʊk
Noun to verb = Suffix -ɛ
Verb → adjective (result of doing [verb]) = If ends with vowel: Suffix -jf
Else: Suffix -œjf
Tending to = Prefix ɔ-
Verb → noun (the act of [verb]) = If ends with vowel: Suffix -kk
Else: Suffix -ɛːkk
Verb → noun that verb produces (e.g. know → knowledge) = Prefix svɔ-
One who [verb]s (e.g. paint → painter) = Suffix -oːj
Place of (e.g. wine → winery) = Prefix gɪ-
Diminutive = If starts with vowel: Prefix p-
Else: Prefix piː-
Augmentative = If starts with vowel: Prefix d-
Else: Prefix dyː-


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