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Divine Domains


The followers of Hethuum believe that the unified effort of his mortals is a divine directive, and they strive to complete his work of driving chaos from the world. Moreover, it is the striving against chaos, the rending the wild to create Order, that is the mark of a devout follower of Hethuum. The lasting legacy of civilization that comes from this foundation of faith is proof of Hethuum's blessing.


While toil for its own sake or for another's goal is a noble undertaking, the creation of a practical object or institution is the goal of every follower of Hethuum. The grander the undertaking, the more intricate the workmanship, or the more complex the institution, the more Hethuum smiles on the creator if the creation can stand the test of time. Hethuum is often one of the best-known deities, as even non-believers culturally accept Hethuum's ideal of work, best summed in a proverb attributed to one of his most well-known clerics: "A day of blessed craftsmanship yields a lifetime of benefit."


It is said that Hethuum himself shaped the mountains that can be seen across Omiralon, both as a way to protect his beloved Dwarves during Behemoth's Might and as a way to leave his lasting legacy for all the inhabitants of the continent to see. Hethuum, since, has been irrevocably tied to mountains, his followers striving to live up to the majesty of Hethuum's creation in their own work, both in intricacy and steadfast permanence.

Tenets of Faith

  • Strive to make a lasting mark on the world. To create something that endures is the highest good, be it a material object or a legacy passed on.
  • The mountain's peak is no greater than stones that form the base. With order and community, even mountains can be tamed into civilization.
  • Defend against chaos and the weight of the mountains shall strike with your weapon.


Hammerdawn, celebrated twice yearly on the first day of Camum and the 31st day of Ramanum, is a lively celebration of craftsmanship. Artisans of all kinds offer free lessons in their medium or craft, displaying their finest wares in large, often settlement spanning, markets. While traditions on the day vary widely, particularly in human populations, it is common for a communal city or town specific project to be completed during the festivities. Dwarven celebrations often feature tests of contests in which participants forge or carve an object to be judged by elders.   Sulibran. or Great Fire in the Trader's Tongue, is a solemn religious pilgrimage during which believers of Hethuum commemorate the creation of the mountains of Omiralon (particularly the Mystic Sisters, though this specificity has loosened over the ages). Those who wish to honor the tradition are encouraged to scale the peak nearest their home, with the aim of completing the task and returning home by highsun on the last day of Jundum.
Divine Classification
Immortal, Deity


Hethuum is represented by a Hammer striking an Anvil - The Hammer creating lasting shape and order from the Anvil.


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