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Jofrid Mountainjaw

Sur Jofrid Mountainjaw

Jofrid is a stout mountain dwarf, around middle age for her kind. Earlier in life, Jofrid was a smith in Kjallaksholl, forging weapons, armor, and other supplies for the royal houses of the mountain city. Over time, she grew tired of the monotony of her city life, hearing tales of the bigger world above ground from the soldiers and emissaries that came to her for repairs after missions for the royals.  One day, she'd had enough, and simply packed her belongings, cooled her forge, and set off for the northern coasts. They seemed magical and vibrant to her, and a fitting end goal for her travels. A few years into her journey, she happened upon a human desperately fighting an owlbear. Human soldiers lay dead on the field, with only the one well-dressed man standing. She rushed to his aid, killing the Owlbear. She immediately tended to his wounds as best she could, and asked him where he was from.  The man introduced himself, weakly, as Lord Marcus Cornwallis, one of the Radiant Lords. He sought to return to his keep, Garring. It took her days to carry the man back to his home, but when she had, he had recovered enough to offer her employment in his court as a personal aide and guard. She had never been offered such a high honor in her culture, and accepted.  She served under Lord Marcus until his death, taking up the same position for his son, Lord Rodhric, and has served under him since, vowing to protect the son as she had the father.
Year of Birth
692 AO 312 Years old
Dark Brown, near Black
Long light brown, held in a long plait.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Darkly tanned


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