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Divine Domains


When most of the inhabitants of Omiralon think about Qhiriles, they picture a familiar figure sitting on the back wall of their local trader's shopfront, a small sign of devotion the store owner has placed. So ubiquitous is the worship of Qhiriles, particularly in the human settlements, that most of the population will observe his teachings in addition to the teachings of their patron god. Seen as fair in all ways, Qhiriles' reputation extends to his followers, and a devout worshipper will always get the business from a customer over another less devout. Roads are particularly important to the followers of Qhiriles, as they facilitate the trade, and signposts along them are often seen as shrines to the deity, where a trader might place a small offering back to Qhiriles for a successful trade or trip to the Market.


To outsiders, the followers of Qhiriles are the backbone of society. While not overly ritualistic, the followers of Qhiriles see it as their duty to uphold and progress civilization in any way possible. Often, this leads them to become merchants, scribes, mediators, and in rare cases, lawmakers and lords. Any affront to or destruction of civilization is an act against the deity that seeks only to create more abundant and comfortable lives for his followers and the rest of the world.


The plains are seen by the followers of Qhiriles as a promise. They are the blank slate with which the deity can create, building society and prosperity from the land. Many settlements have sprung up throughout Omiralon's history due to the word Qhiriles whispered in their ear to build an establishment.

Tenets of Faith

  • A single fair trade begets another.
  • Friendly faces are worth more than a coin purse.
  • A stone laid on a stone does not make a building, but all are built in this manner.


The Grand Market is a lively holiday celebrated nearly continent-wide, (tieflings are a notable exception) by both believers and non-believers alike. Celebrated on the 30th of Maelem, the day is celebrated with a large market set in every settlement, often in the center of the main street, where any and all sell their wares. It is often a time used by prospective merchants as a way to gauge the popularity of a new or improved item, and a test for those looking to enter the profession. The common practice during the day is a true barter system, regardless of the money used in the region, to honor the past and Qhiriles' fair nature.   Seaign, or the "Days of Creation" in the Trader's Tongue, is a two-day commemoration of the beginning of civilization and the first settlement, held on the 35th and 36th of Peneum. While no one knows which settlement was first or if it still even stands, many stories are told of the place, often made up on the spot or improvised by an acting troupe, if such are available. All are told with only one moral - banding together and the progress of society is paramount. It is customary to begin groundbreaking for new buildings on the second day, both in deference to Qhiriles and with the intent to complete it prior to the winter months.
Divine Classification
Immortal, Deity


Qhiriles is often represented by scales - While fair and balanced, the scales represent his exacting nature.


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