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Skjadi, the Icy Mistress

Divine Domains


Lies, to a follower of Skjadi, are seen more as a commodity than a moral infraction. Revered mostly in the south, where the tundra remains hard year-round and food is scarce, Skjadi's disciples live and die by the information their tribe can keep out of the hands of others. A common practice and skill, amongst these tribes, is the ability to lie in a way that the recipient knows the information is false, but also "let slip" further lies for the recipient to chase, thinking to have found the liar out and discovered the truth. Because of this practice, the Southern tribes are little trusted to the other inhabitants of Omiralon, and the rare wanderer to leave the tribes has difficulty integrating into society at large.


Pain, as the shamans devoted to Skjadi would say, is what drives a person forward: what creates a stronger individual. As a result, those devoted to Skjadi do not shy away from pain, and in fact, seem to relish it. They are fierce warriors, caring little for wounds inflicted upon them, caring only that they come out of the end of the altercation alive. Should the Icy Mistress see fit to spare them further, they take the blessing and see themselves as stronger for it, having gained "a new layer of ice."


The Tundra, like Skjadi herself, is a cold and emotionless place. Her followers draw further comparisons: The weak have no place in their presence and must adapt quickly, or die slowly. However, both Skjadi and her domain provide all a believer needs to survive if they are willing to work for and earn it. While Skjadi is typically the most prevalently worshipped deity in the southwest, Mehella'su and his teachings are also widely accepted, particularly around Ysgrial, and it is often said they are "two sides of the same cold metal coin".

Tenets of Faith

  • Knowledge is power. Power must be earned, never given freely.
  • Pain is inevitable, but suffering hardens weakness into strength.
  • The resourceful and worthy shall survive, and gain the Mistress' favor.


Ulferthial is a solemn week-long tradition during which tribes make their way north prior to the winter months. Observed on the last week of Adriem, the observation often is a solemn march North, with the tribes packing up their belongings for travel and sleeping under the wide sky for the duration. Around fires that burn long into the night, stories are told of heroes both living and legend who had found favor with the Icy Mistress. The strongest hunters are often sent out during the day to hunt during the travels, in an effort to gather as much food as possible for the coming months of winter.
Divine Classification
Immortal, Deity


Skjadi is represented by a frost-covered or blue blade - representing the sharpness of both the Mistress' tongue and the spirit she expects of her followers.


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