Tower Below Babel Organization in OmniVerse | World Anvil

Tower Below Babel

Do you accept the consequences of whatever shall occur?
The Tower Below Babel was a top secret research and military organization founded by the United States government and funded by the Deepcore Foundation in response to the Sunspots Incident. Although it's been shut down years ago after the Black Skies Incident, the world still suffers from the horrors that were created by the Tower Below Babel. They were superseded by FENRIR, which was formed to clean up the mess caused by them.


At the top of it is the lead scientist and commander, known simply as Romero. All known information about him has been redacted from all records, enough that even the Deepcore Foundation has scrubbed any information about him from all archives. All that is known is his accomplishments and crimes committed.
Below that, there are two different sides of Tower Below Babel: The research division and the military division, both of which were managed by Romero.

Research Division

Answering to Romero are the researchers, whom manage the big projects and developments that were ongoing within the Tower Below Babel at the time. Each researcher would get a team ranging from ten to two-hundred people, all of which was dependent on the personnel needed and the scope of the research.

Military Division

Answering to Romero are the generals, whom carry out operations in various regions. Along with the teams of soldiers that answered to the generals, there were capture squads that would stealthily abduct all persons of interest, which included Cambions and, in a majority of cases, ordinary civilians.

Below all of that, were the experiments. They were considered to be, and treated as, the lowest of the low. They were ordinary people whom fit certain criteria that were needed for the projects within the Tower Of Babel, often abducted off the streets and thrown into horrible conditions. All information about them were scrubbed from the public records, with alibis being generated to explain their disappearances.

Public Agenda

As far as the public knew, the Tower Below Babel was meant to protect them from the dangers that came about within the last couple of millennium, including magical entities such as Witches causing more trouble than ever, the odd horrors that came from a nightmarish realm that were leaking through, and Demons that had begun to pop up; especially after the Sunspots Incident. The actions they partook in included reesarch of various entities and military operations taken upon various dangerous groups and individuals. What the public did not realize, however, was that the organization would partake in unethical and horrific experiments, all in the supposed name of helping humanity.
The ultimate goal of the Tower Below Babel was to invade Hell and rule over it.
  All known experiments, developments and military operations.
Nightmare Fuel
Nightmare Fuel
Material | Dec 5, 2021

Something awful. Something horrible.

The Tower Below Babel invented Nightmare Fuel. Created from the extraction and purification of the blood of unnatural lifeforms that come from a nightmarish realm, Nightmare Fuel has had adverse affects on humans, from driving them mad from fear to causing their hearts to simply stop. The reasoning for the development of Nightmare Fuel, as far as the United States was concerned, was a new type of super-fuel to succeed that of Oil and even Mana-based energy technologies.
On the first days of official deployment of Nightmare Fuel for the Tower Below Babel's operations, there were an estimated twelve deaths due to mishandling and exposure to the substance. These were considered to be optimal. Charon approved further research into the application of Nightmare Fuel.
Bloodstream Infusement System
Created as a way to continually feed medicine of any type into a life form directly through their blood, the Bloodstream Infusement System is a metallic prosthesis that is placed anywhere on the body-- typically one's shoulder or spine; that will dissolve medicine down into a liquid form that can last for around a month before needing to be refilled. While intended as a way to keep experiments alive with continual doses of morphine and other such opiates, it became a way for researchers to inject Nightmare Fuel into the bloodstream of a human.
Demonic Incident in China
As part of an international effort on part of a publicly-known attempt at fighting off demonic occurences and such, a large chunk of the Tower Below Babel's military arm was sent to China to ward off a swarm of demons that had occurred in a rural area in the western parts of the country. While there, using the chaos to their advantage, the Tower Below Babel would not only obtain the bodies of both human and demon, they would capture a few survivors scattered around in the area. All of these survivors would then be taken to their headquarters to be experimented on.
SYNTH's Prototype
Before the SYNTH Technology that was invented by the Deepcore Foundation, the Tower Below Babel created a prototypical version of such machinations that relied solely on Nightmare Fuel, Edenite, and steam. Test subjects were able to replace missing limbs with experimental, metallic prosthetics. All knowledge of this prototype was erased from the public records, only being known within the depths of Deepcore's archives.
Medicinal Flesh Suturing
Although the Bloodstream Infusement System and the prototypical SYNTH machinery were considerably helpful, the experiments and research that began after both of those were seen as the beginning of a new kind of terror within the halls of the Tower Below Babel.
With a large stockpile of deceased bodies on hand after various military operations, including the one in China, the Tower Below Babel began experimenting with replacing body parts on living people with those from the cadavers. With people ending up with limbs completely mismatched, large patches of skin being drastically different, and even extra organs where it's not needed, the experiments would eventually become horribly mangled over time as the experiments continued.
Soul Shredding
Involvment in Iraq
During the beginning of the Iraq War, The Tower Below Babel would covertly kidnap members of the Iraqi Armed Forces stationed in Baghdad. Alongside that, various religious artifacts were stolen, with a falsehood of their destruction being created to ward off suspicion.
Self Destruction System
In an attempt to thwart highly potential but dangerous experiments from escaping, the Tower Below Babel created a small but powerful bomb that would be placed into their skeleton's sternum. These bombs would be able to completely obliterate the chest of the experiment; destroying their major organs. With this insurance created, and all the other research and experiments having been done, they were ready to begin the final part of their plan to take arms against hell.
Controlled Reality Warping Weapons
In order to create the perfect weapon out of a human, you have to completely destroy them. You have to ruin everything that made them human, and give them more mana then they could ever hope to handle. But you mustn't kill them. You must deny them death. You must keep them suffering for as long as they are breathing. That way, they will be left with no choice but to kill.
True to these words, Dr. Romero would lead the next stage of the Tower Below Babel's operations to create powerful weapons. Abducting twenty-four humans that matched their crieteria for potential survivibility and weaponization and naming them after the Greek Alphabet, the Tower Below Babel would mutilate and modify these humans. Their bodies ripped to shreds and then stiched back together with different parts and cadavers. Their souls torn to bits and forcibly sewn back together. All blood drained and replaced with Nightmare Fuel. Mechanical devices and weapons surgically added all over their bodies, denying them anything that made them human. All of them were made to suffer.
Of the twenty-four humans, only seven of them survived. Each of them are as follows:
01-Alpha ~ After being tortured for long enough by her captors, she was forcibly made to undergo a metamorphsis into a Witch. Using the resultant loss of memories against her, they began to torture her with this knowledge; which severely affected her mental state as a result; turning her violent and brutal. With the powers of a Witch at her hands, she was practically unstoppable.
  02-Beta ~ Information has been lost on Beta, though what has been gathered based on circumstantial evidence and discovery of a shredded cadaver was that all of Beta's bones have been replaced with mechanisms that allow for limbs to be stretched out. These mechanisms would be improved and replicated into Omega.
  03-Gamma ~ Gamma's brain had been surgically altered and condensed down into a smaller size. The body she originally inhabited was altered to be that of an exoskeleton, with the brain being able to be removed and placed into a new body whenever needed.
  18-Sigma ~ Almost all of the data has been lost regarding Sigma. The most that is known, however, is that on rare occasions in the dead of night, select radio towers have reportedly began putting out a signal. It is of Sigma's voice, reciting a list of numbers, before screaming out in horrific pain.
  22-Chi ~ Chi has had various mechanical augmentations implemented into him, as well as various patches of skin and flesh surgically replaced with another. Thanks to the Bloodstream Infusement System, he regularly has to take all sorts of medicine to even survive. He's able to manifest all sorts of magical chains that he can use to his advantage, tearing through metal and flesh with relative ease.
  24-Omega ~ ALL DATA LOST.
After the very last experiment began and continued into 2007, that would be the largest and most important experiment for the Tower Below Babel. It would also be the very thing that ends them.


On 2007, October 31st, the skies would begin to darken over the headquarters of the Tower Below Babel. As it did, the entire area would suddenly be engulfed in flames. The Black Skies Incident as it would be known as from that day forth had remained a mystery to those whom were observing the disaster, as no one's entirely certain as to what caused it. All that is known is that the seven Reality Warpers that were created had absolutely demolished the HQ, killing a majority of the staff. A massive amount of illegal supplies were smuggled out of the area, Nightmare Fuel being taken and sold to the highest bidder the world over.
Of the staff, only three were said to have survived by mere chance and luck. Dr. Romero, Captain Azura Lola Jr. and Dr. Azura Lola. While the latter two had survived thanks to being off-site at the time, how Dr. Romero survived is unknown, and asking him this question has been impossible due to him secluding himself away from the public, answering to people only through proxies.
Of the experiments, the story goes that while two of them, Beta and Sigma, are confirmed deceased; the rest are still alive. Alpha's location is unknown, though it's suspected that she escaped to a world where witches roam. Gamma's brain was discovered to be missing, leaving the possibility up that she somehow hijacked someone and escaped. Epsilon would somehow wind up in the United Kingdom, where upon he would join The Front. Chi and Omega's locations are unknown.
As a result of the new magical threats that had occured after the Black Skies Incident, including further demonic activity, another military organization was created to combat the aftermath of the Tower Below Babel's ambitions. This organization would be known as FENRIR. All three human survivors would eventually end up within the ranks FENRIR.

Going deep into hell, and further beyond.

July 3rd, 1979 - 2007, October 31st

Secret, Government
Successor Organization
Related Species

Cover image: by Joshua Edwards


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