On the brink

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Decades ago, humanity went full speed past the point of no return. Drunk with their hubris, they looked at the wonders they created and turned their gaze to the skies, forgotten the ground on which they stood. They were warned, and chose to ignore the warnings. Until the prophetized catastrophe rampaged through their majestic society.


The land is now smothered by a thick layer of pollution forming an eternally grey sky. The oceans is empty of any life that couldn't resist its violent acidity rise. The ground is nothing but desert of sand, waste or metal. And in the midst of ancient fallen cities, desperate silos dig the ground to provide shelter to the last humans in the only medium the ancient civilisation left roughly untouched: the deep underground.


At the surface, the poorest maintain in dire condition the lush train of life of the elites. Breathing faintly through makeshift oxygen masks, suffering through the abrasive air and hunger, they all dream to one day escape this hell and move to the silo. A dream very few ever achieved.