The East Wind Item in On the Nacreous Coast | World Anvil
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The East Wind

'The East Wind’ is a blade constructed by the master smith Dismas from the Council of Nine. It was given as a gift to the ruler of the city of Redwind, fellow council member Queen Helena. It has remained as a symbol of the monarchy ever since, even appearing in the city’s heraldry.   The Blade is longer than other Dismal blades, with a 22 inch blade, 24 inches including the hilt. There are two red stones set into the hilt, on either side of the hilt just above the cross-guard. The blade is straight, beautifully constructed as all of Dismas’s weapons are, and engraved with the constellation of the Cat, whose paw points to the south.   When wielded by a person capable of manipulating Abyssal energy this Blade behaves somewhat differently from the others. While those Blades form psychic extensions of the the dagger to a length of whatever sword the user is comfortable wielding, this Blade takes a more ranged approach. When slashed through the air, the Blade releases a wave of psychic force which is capable of dealing a great deal of damage. It has been known to cut through metal under extremities.   The sword has a long and storied history, typically being handed down from monarch to heir as a symbolic passing down of the responsibility for the city’s defence. The sword has also been a key object of importance during every past capture of the city, given its symbolic importance. Fortunately, none of these conquerors chose to destroy such a unique artefact.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Similar to other Dismal Blades, the key to the workings of Il Vento Dell’Est seem to hinge upon the red stones in the hilt. It is thought that the length of the Blade is what required two stones instead of the usual one, but it may also have been an aesthetic choice for the sake of balance.


Symbolises the protection of the monarch of Redwind.
Item type
Weapon, Melee
Current Holder
Subtype / Model
2lbs (approx)
24 inches long (inc hilt)

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