Harrim Svalsturm

Chaotic neutral dwarven cleric of Groetus. Originally from Larrad, the second largest city in the Five Kings Mountains and a major pilgrimage site for the dwarvish pantheon, a young Harrim dreamed of devoting himself to the dwarvish chief god Torag by creating great works on the anvil- he even believed that he heard the voice of Torag urging him on in his dreams. Unfortunately, despite his best efforts Harrim always suffered extraordinary misfortune in his creative endeavors. Anything he worked on would fall apart in his hands, and whatever he completed would be found to be entirely unusable. Mocked by others for his inability and spiritually crushed by his failures, Harrim became an alcoholic and found himself contemplating suicide. However, he still heard the voice, and decided to leave his homeland to pursue it. Eventually the search for the source of the voice led him to a gathering of cultists of Groetus at a ruined temple of Aroden.

Since becoming a convert of Groetus Harrim has wandered the world preaching the word of Groetus. Although he avoids contact with other dwarves and describes them in unflattering terms as obsessive and unyielding, he has a somewhat ambivalent attitude regarding dwarvish cultural achievements, and confesses that he is still deeply moved by many of the creations of his ancestors despite his belief that those creations will inevitably become dust.

Current Location
Greying black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Lightly tanned
Aligned Organization


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