Lierin Lyosin Character in Anvil | World Anvil

Lierin Lyosin

In the shadowy depths of an ancient, underground structure known as an anima relay, a story of solitude and survival unfolds. This is the tale of Lierin Lyosin, a young elf who was transformed into a vampire and then abandoned by her sire, Talivin Tefeluin. Talivin, a figure shrouded in enigma, left Lierin in the anima relay to attend to mysterious business but never returned, leaving her to an eternity of isolation.

For over 15,000 years, Lierin dwelled in this sealed sanctuary, a prisoner of both her vampiric nature and the magical confines of the relay. The entrance to her underground haven was barred by a magical device emitting ultraviolet light, a lethal barrier for any vampire. Trapped within these ancient walls, Lierin entered a state of torpor, a deep slumber that vampires fall into to endure the centuries. However, she occasionally awoke from this trance-like state, driven by a primal need to feed. Her sustenance came from small creatures that, by some twist of fate, found their way into the anima relay.

The sealed building was both a curse and a refuge. Within its confines, Lierin found solace in reading, her mind wandering through the pages of books left behind, her only window to the outside world. Time, for her, was a river that flowed in endless circles, with days blurring into years, and years into millennia.

However, a seismic shift occurred some months ago when the entire structure was transported to another dimension. This abrupt transition brought a glimmer of change to Lierin's stagnant existence. A new gateway opened at the bottom of the structure, revealing a passage to a world vastly different from the Underdark, which previously lay beyond the relay. This newfound portal became a beacon of curiosity and hope for Lierin.

The new gateway, however, was not without its dangers. Imps and other small devilish creatures began to emerge from the portal, providing Lierin with a new source of nourishment. Her vampiric instincts were reignited by these encounters, reminding her of the predator she was born to be.

Driven by a newfound determination to explore beyond her confines, Lierin attempted to escape through this gateway. Yet, her path was thwarted by a heavy metallic portcullis blocking the passage. Despite her efforts, she remained caged within the walls of the anima relay, her freedom just beyond reach.

Current Location
More than 15,000 year
Ice Blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Paper white


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