Royal Treasury of the Restored Lands



Since most of the gold belongs to us, we must find creative ways to redistribute it and make a strong economy. Establishing a universal coin is essential in controlling the economy and hence the market.We should be able to provide enough coinage flow within our kingdom


In order to ensure equality and fairness we should set mechanisms to prevent monopolies. My personal proposal is the establishment of guilds on all major economic sectors in order to control and regulate unwanted practices .


Guilds should fall under the direct jurisdiction of the crown and pay a fee in proportion with their earnings.

Regulated Sectors

  • Agriculture
  • Mining
  • Trade
  • Blacksmithing
  • Lumbering
  • Weaving
  • Royal Bank

    Establish a centralized Royal Bank responsible for managing all financial transactions within the kingdom. The bank will be overseen by a council of trusted advisors and managed by qualified individuals with expertise in finance and accounting.

    Currency and Coinage

    Introduce a standardized currency system with gold, silver, and copper coins, minted and regulated by the Royal Bank. Assign fixed exchange rates between the different denominations to facilitate trade and commerce.

    Royal Accounts

  • Provide individual bank accounts for residents, businesses, and government entities.
  • Maintain account records, including deposits, withdrawals, and transaction history.
  • Implement a robust security system to safeguard against fraud and unauthorized access.
  • Deposits and Withdrawals

    Allow individuals and businesses to make deposits into their accounts, which can be in the form of coins, precious gems, or valuable items.

    Enable convenient and secure withdrawals from accounts, ensuring quick access to funds.

    Loans and Investments

    Offer loan facilities to individuals and businesses, subject to reasonable interest rates and collateral requirements.

    Facilitate investment opportunities by allowing citizens to invest their funds in government projects or approved ventures, contributing to economic growth.

    Royal Treasury

    Manage the kingdom's treasury, which holds surplus funds, taxes, and other government revenues.

    Ensure transparency in the treasury's operations and provide regular reports to the kingdom's ruler and advisors.

    Financial Services

    Provide additional financial services such as foreign currency exchange, wealth management, and financial advice to individuals and businesses.

    Foster partnerships with reputable guilds and trade organizations to support economic development.

    Financial Education

    Conduct financial literacy programs and workshops to educate citizens about responsible money management, investment strategies, and the benefits of using Royal Treasury Management System.

    Dispute Resolution Establish a dedicated team within the Royal Bank to handle financial disputes and complaints promptly and impartially.
    Signatories (Organizations)


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