The Aradi Dominion Organization in Anvil | World Anvil

The Aradi Dominion

Welcome friends, sit and share in our lands' bounty and our wine. Just, please make sure that you leave your boots at the door, and that your feet will stay off the grass, any grass of this land.

The Council of the Aradi Dominion claims the whole of the county of Aradi. The county extends as an inland penninsula between the river Pharasma in the north and the river Uutark in the south.

To the north of the Aradi domain, lay the newly arrived lands of the Kamerlands and of Lake Tuskwater while to the south, the Trodvil river separate the lands between the dominion and the Jarldom of Nordberg.

The Aradi Dominion is a long-established domain, having arrived many years ago and it is lead by a council of 5 noble families that lay claim to the 6 baronies of the county. It seems like the domain is heavily populated but in truth nobody has ever been able to scout the lands within it. The Aradi are fiercy against anyone outside their domain entering their lands and have a series of ways to confirm the identity of people found in there. According to envoys from Hutan, none of the four scouting parties that were sent in the Aradi domain ever returned, and in all cases the Aradi became very quickly aware of their presence.

Geopolitical, Kingdom
Leader Title
Government System
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Market economy
Neighboring Nations
Related Species


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