The Divine Nexus of the Restored Lands

Royal Proclamation on Religion

  • All Gods can be worshiped freely in the temple of Faith.
  • None can be persecuted for their religious beliefs.
  • Every religion is welcome to start their own temple, provided they pay a tribute to the temple of Faith and they don’t pose a danger to the kingdom.
  • The Temple of Faith

    A great temple will be built in the confines of the capital to house all the faithful and the priests who will help us in our quest.


    Divine Nextus Overview

    The Divine Nexus is a simple and efficient church system designed for the newly formed kingdom of Restored Lands. It aims to provide structure, organization, and spiritual guidance to the kingdom's inhabitants.

    Deity Selection

    The founding monarch or a council of religious leaders selects the primary deity or deities for the Restored Lands. This deity serves as the central focus of worship and spiritual guidance.


    High Cleric (Archibishop)

    The High Cleric is the leader of the Divine Nexus and serves as the primary representative of the kingdom's chosen deity. They oversee all religious matters and provide guidance to the lower ranks.


    Under the High Cleric, there are various ranks of clergy members, including priests, paladins, and clerics. They lead congregations, perform religious rituals, offer spiritual counsel, and manage local religious affairs.


    Temples and Shrines

    Main Temple

    The Restored Lands have a grand central temple dedicated to the chosen deity. It serves as the primary location for major ceremonies, religious gatherings, and the residence of the High Cleric.

    Local Shrines

    Throughout the kingdom, smaller shrines dedicated to the deity are established to allow easy access to worship and guidance. These shrines are managed by local clergy members.

    Congregations and Devotees


    The kingdom is divided into smaller regions, and each region has a congregation led by a priest or cleric. They organize regular religious services, lead community activities, and provide spiritual support to the local population.


    Individuals who align themselves with the chosen deity but do not hold an official position in the church are considered devotees. They participate in worship, receive spiritual guidance, and support the church through donations or voluntary work.

    Rituals and Ceremonies

    Worship Services

    Regular worship services are conducted at the main temple and local shrines. These services include prayers, hymns, sermons, and scripture readings.

    Festivals and Celebrations

    The Divine Nexus organizes annual festivals and celebrations dedicated to the deity. These events foster community spirit, reinforce religious values, and provide opportunities for devotion and socializing.

    Education and Training


    The Divine Nexus establishes a seminary for training aspiring clergy members. The seminary offers theological studies, practical training, and spiritual development to prepare individuals for service in the church.

    Catechism Classes

    The church provides catechism classes for children and adults interested in learning more about the faith. These classes cover the core teachings, rituals, and values of the chosen deity.


    Outreach and Support

    Charitable Works

    The Divine Nexus emphasizes acts of charity and supports various initiatives to alleviate poverty, provide aid to the needy, and assist in times of crisis.

    Spiritual Guidance Clergy members offer spiritual counseling, guidance, and support to individuals and families facing personal challenges or seeking advice.
    Signatories (Organizations)


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