The Guardians of the Restored Lands:

Assess the Available Resources

Evaluate the kingdom's resources, such as weapons, armor, and training facilities, to determine what is available for your army.

Take stock of the existing soldiers and their capabilities to understand your starting point.

Establish Recruitment Measures

Develop a recruitment strategy to attract additional soldiers to join your army. This could involve offering incentives, conducting recruitment campaigns, and emphasizing the importance of protecting the kingdom.

Benefits of joining the army

  • Competitive Salaries
  • Training and Skill Development
  • Career Advancement Opportunities
  • Education and Scholarships
  • Recognition and Honors
  • Support Programs for Soldiers' Families
  • Retirement Benefits and Pension Plans
  • Set a target number of soldiers you aim to recruit based on the kingdom's needs and resources.  

    Basic Training for Recruits

    Organize basic training programs to prepare new recruits for military service. Focus on physical fitness, discipline, and basic combat skills to lay a strong foundation. Train recruits in basic swordsmanship and archery techniques, as well as general military tactics and formations. Utilize our experienced soldiers, such as the Captain and the Brevoy Veteran Soldier lieutenant, to lead and instruct the new recruits during training.

    Specialized Training

    Identify soldiers with potential or interest in specific roles, such as scouting, siege warfare, or cavalry. Train a select group of soldiers to become specialized units, focusing on their unique skills and tasks. Utilize the existing Man-at-Arms, Swordsmen, and Man-at-Arms, Archers to provide advanced training to the recruits.

    Develop Unit Cohesion

    Conduct regular drills and exercises to enhance teamwork and coordination among soldiers. Encourage camaraderie and build unit cohesion through shared experiences and training activities. Foster a sense of loyalty and pride in serving "The Restored Lands" among the soldiers.

    Leadership Development

    Identify promising individuals who display leadership qualities among the soldiers. Provide leadership training to these individuals, grooming them for future command roles. Assign them as subordinates to the Captain and the Brevoy Veteran Soldier lieutenant, allowing them to gain practical leadership experience.

    Mock Battles and Field Exercises

    Organize mock battles and field exercises to simulate real combat situations. Evaluate the soldiers' performance, identify strengths and weaknesses, and address any areas that require improvement. Use these exercises to refine tactics, test strategies, and enhance overall readiness.

    Continuous Training and Improvement

    Establish a culture of continuous learning and improvement within the army. Regularly assess the soldiers' skills and provide advanced training opportunities to enhance their abilities. Stay updated on military strategies and tactics to ensure your army remains adaptable and effective.   With a reasonable estimate of our needs and the size of our kingdom, we should aim for a 10% recruitment rate. Our rough estimation is that we will need to increase the total population to 10,000 in order to achieve a minimum of 1000 soldiers.   They should be divided as follow:

    Infantry Units

    Man-at-Arms, Swordsmen

    Allocate 500 recruits to this unit, dividing them into smaller squads or platoons led by experienced soldiers.

    Man-at-Arms, Archers

    Assign 250 recruits to this unit, training them in archery techniques and integrating them with the swordsmen to form combined arms units.

    Specialized Units


    Establish a cavalry unit with 100 recruits, training them in mounted combat and reconnaissance tactics. Siege Engineers: Assign 50 recruits to specialize in siege warfare, focusing on engineering skills and knowledge of siege equipment and tactics.

    Support Units


    Allocate 30 recruits to receive training as medics, providing essential medical support to the army during times of conflict.

    Logistics and Supply

    Assign 50 recruits to manage logistics, supply chains, and communication within the army. Command and Leadership:

    Leadership Development

    Dedicate 20 recruits for leadership development, grooming them for future command roles and providing them with specialized training.
    Signatories (Organizations)


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