The Judicial System of the Restored Lands

Court Structure

Supreme Court

The highest judicial authority, consisting of experienced and knowledgeable judges appointed by the monarch.

Regional Courts

Intermediate-level courts established in major cities, presided over by judges appointed by the Supreme Court.

Local Courts

Lower-level courts operating in smaller towns and villages, led by magistrates appointed by the Regional Courts.

Legal Code


A comprehensive legal code, known as the "Restored Code," is established to serve as the foundation of the judicial system. It encompasses civil, criminal, and constitutional laws.


The Restored Code is made publicly available, allowing citizens to understand their rights and obligations.

Legal Proceedings

Civil Cases

Disputes between individuals or entities are handled through civil proceedings. Plaintiffs file a complaint, and defendants have the right to present their defense. The burden of proof lies with the plaintiff.

Criminal Cases

Crimes committed within the kingdom are subject to criminal proceedings. A prosecutor represents the kingdom, and defendants have the right to a fair trial, including legal representation.


Parties dissatisfied with a court's decision may file an appeal to a higher court, presenting new evidence or highlighting errors in the previous judgment.  

Court Procedures


Judges and magistrates are required to maintain impartiality and avoid conflicts of interest.

Oral Hearings

Court sessions are conducted orally, allowing both parties to present their arguments and evidence.

Legal Representation

Parties have the right to engage legal representation, ensuring a fair presentation of their case.

Evidence and Witnesses

The court considers relevant evidence and may summon witnesses to testify under oath.


Judges or magistrates deliver their decisions based on the law and evidence presented, explaining the rationale behind their verdicts.

Sentencing and Punishment

Sentencing Guidelines

The Restored Code provides guidelines for various offenses, allowing judges to determine appropriate sentences based on the severity of the crime.


Alongside punitive measures, emphasis is placed on rehabilitation programs to reintegrate offenders into society.

Capital Punishment

Reserved for the most severe crimes, such as treason or heinous acts threatening the kingdom's stability.  

Judicial Appointments:


Judges and magistrates are appointed based on their legal expertise, integrity, and impartiality, ensuring a fair and competent judiciary.

Royal Appointment

The monarch appoints judges to the Supreme Court, while Regional Court judges are selected by a committee of legal experts.

Local Magistrates

Regional Court judges appoint magistrates in consultation with local authorities and legal professionals.

Judicial Oversight

Judicial Review

The Supreme Court exercises the power of judicial review, ensuring that laws and government actions adhere to the constitution.

Judicial Conduct

An independent body, such as the Judicial Ethics Committee, oversees the conduct and integrity of judges, addressing complaints and maintaining ethical standards.

Legal Education

Law Schools

Institutions dedicated to legal education are established to train aspiring lawyers, judges, and legal professionals.

Continuing Education

Judges and magistrates participate in ongoing training programs to stay updated with legal developments and enhance their skills.


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