Trade In the kingdom of the Restored Lands

In the kingdom of the Restored Lands, the regulation of fair trade principles can be overseen by both the Traders Guild and the Crown.


Licensing and Certification

The Traders Guild, with the authorization of the Crown, can establish a system of licensing and certification for merchants. This ensures that only those who adhere to fair trade principles are permitted to engage in commercial activities within the kingdom.


Regular Inspections

The Traders Guild, in collaboration with the Crown's appointed officials, can conduct regular inspections of trading establishments to ensure compliance with fair trade regulations. This includes verifying the quality and safety of goods, assessing pricing fairness, and confirming adherence to environmental and labor standards.


Code of Conduct

The Traders Guild, with input from the Crown, can develop a comprehensive code of conduct that outlines the expected ethical behavior and fair trade practices for merchants. This code can cover areas such as pricing, transparency, non-discrimination, and environmental sustainability.


Sanctions and Penalties

Both the Traders Guild and the Crown can establish a system of sanctions and penalties for those found to be in violation of fair trade principles. This can range from warnings and fines to temporary or permanent revocation of trading licenses, depending on the severity of the offense.

Dispute Resolution

The Traders Guild, under the oversight of the Crown, can facilitate the resolution of trade-related disputes. They can establish a dedicated committee or tribunal responsible for mediating conflicts, ensuring fair outcomes, and upholding the principles of justice and equity.


Collaboration and Education

The Traders Guild and the Crown can collaborate on educational initiatives to raise awareness about fair trade principles among merchants and the general population. Workshops, seminars, and informational campaigns can be conducted to promote a culture of fair trade and provide guidance on how to comply with the established regulations.


Reporting Mechanism

The Traders Guild can implement a reporting mechanism that allows individuals to file complaints or concerns regarding unfair trade practices. These reports can be thoroughly investigated, and appropriate actions can be taken to address any violations.

Prohibition of Slave Trade

The Traders Guild, in conjunction with the Crown, unequivocally forbids all forms of slave trade within the kingdom of the Restored Lands. This includes the buying, selling, or ownership of individuals as slaves, as well as any associated practices such as human trafficking or forced labor.

Decree, Royal
Signatories (Organizations)


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