Primlane House

In Probate

89754 Bleek Woods Road
Bleek Woods
The Schew
Kingdom of Accord
mail route 456
First built at the end of the 2nd Fabled Age, Primlane House had the first of several additions and upgrades in the begining 3rd Fabled Age. The classic neo-fabled rafloflo design was enhanced with 2 flying buttresses. This robust structure boasts 35 double occupancy bedrooms, 6 classrooms, 1 ballroom, 2 kitchens, 2 dinning rooms, a drawing room, headmistress' suit with 4 rooms and private garden, full basement with cold storage, dry storage, and cold/dry storage, full attic, 4 acres of orchards and woodland.   Fully fenced with two foot wide handplaced stone fence for privacy. Magically enhanced wrought iron gate only opens for security.   River frontage and water use rights.   House offered "as-is" to the house's chosen heir.

Purpose / Function

Intended and designed as a boarding school, this property could be used for corporate retreats, weddings, and other events. The investment potential is endless.


classic neo-fabled rafloflo design


"Just arrived," Mildred Primlane typed into her scry-phone. "will let know how goes," she added as she exited The Watermelon Wagon she'd hired for the trip. The driver, horses, and carriage were hers until the spell wore off and they turned back into mice and melons. Which meant she only had four hours left on the contract. If things didn't go well here she'd need five hours to get back home. And by home, she meant the place she was currently living and only had access to for another three days.   Ten hours ago she and her cousin had been sitting in their dreary shared apartment in Lesser Lesser New Covenant lamenting their lack of finances to pay their upcoming rent when two messenger owls flew through the open windows. One coming from the north, and one the east. The owl from the north flew directly to her cousin and the one from the east flew directly to Mildred.   Now, one did not need to be a witch to see the magic inherant in that, and smart witches did not look the other way when magics stirred.   Neither she, nor her cousin, were dumb and within two hours of recieving the missives they were packed of all their belongings and comfortably seated in a freshly grown and rented Watermelon Wagon and on their way to Gentry Acres to drop Millicent Primlane off at her new job. With Millicent secure and generating income, Mildred took the wagon and made her way to The Schew to speak to a woman about an inheritance she may or may not inherit.   Millicent's job offer had been straight forward. "Please come and remove the ghosts from my property."   Mildred's offer a little less so. Hers said something along the lines of, "if you can open a magic gate you win a house."   Which was why Milly was deep in the Schew, surrounded by woods and the smell of autumn and leaf covered earth. She couldn't put her finger on it but something about the area felt tingly like there was a light sizzle in the air, not a crackle, but a low grade fizz in the background or underneath. She'd felt it the instant she'd crossed into the Bleek Woods. The closer she got to the house the more she felt the fizz in her finger tips.   A smartly dressed woman who looked a little werewolfy to Milly, waved at her from in front of the large wrought iron gate locking the property. Mildred could not see the house, as it was hidden down a long drive on the other side of the gate. On either side of the gate were thick stone walls covered in moss and vines. Milly wanted to say eveything was creepy, but it wasn't creepy. It was lush and in bloom and yet it was silent and still and...waiting.   "Miss Primlane," the woman said, "I'm Wendy Porter, the estate manager. We spoke on the scry. Thank you so much for coming out on such short notice." She lifted her arms. "Welcome to the Schew."   "Hi, thank you. I've never been out of the Cities so this all new."   "I'm sure you are excited to find out if you are the proud new owner of Primlane House. As I mentioned on the scry, Primlane House most recently belonged to Antilla Primlane. She died some 5 years ago and we've been trying to find her heir."   "Why has it taken so long? I didn't know her, but surely she had closer relatives."   "She did but the gate has not opened for them. You see, the gate, and the entire house really, are magically designed to only open for the Primlane heir who will continue it's legacy. Not even I can get in and I have a key. Antilla Primlane, the previous Primlane, opened the gates for my grandmother the previous estate manager. Bethany Primlane opened the gates before Antilla, and Zelma Primlane before Bethany. Primlane House has known eight previous Primlanes, all chosen by the house. Would you like to see if you are number nine?"   Milly walked closer to the gate and as she did the low-grade fizzing in her fingers increased to buzzing and the air around her gathered. She didn't need to touch the gate to know that it would open for her. She knew it, so she reached out a hand and felt the sharp pull and the push of electrical pulses as a short wave of magics pulsed from her hand and the gate opened.   The woods were silent of all sound except for the slow whinning movement of the gate.   "Congratulations, Miss Primlane. Primlane House is yours."   Milly stood there hand still reached towards a gate that was slowly opening in front of her.   Yes.   A voice inside of her said.   Yes.   A spark inside of her lit and shouted.   Yes!   This is mine.   She curled her hand in and kept her smile in check as Wendy handed her a leather satchel filled with documents and "other inheritance from Antilla and he House."   A few minutes later Milly was back in the wagon and driving it down the path to the house. The second she and the wagon crossed the threshold the gate began closing. It locked into place and Milly took a deep breath of relief. As the house came into view another Yes whispered in her gut and when she pulled to a stop in front of the ugly monstrosity of a house a YES! burst in her heart.   She stared up at it in shock and with hope.   She, Mildred Ann Primlane had found home.
For more information contact Barton Weeks of Weeks Realty
Alternative Names
Miss Primlane's Home for Abandoned, Mistreated, Unwanted, and Unloved Girls


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