
The Twelfth Day of the Frost Moon, 92 SL

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  These are the records of Onder's history, both recent and ancient.
These are collections of gathered knowledge, about the continent's life, its nations and families, its rivers and lakes and hills and mountains.
These are here for those who come after, who wish to know what came before.
Onder is a continent shrouded in much mystery. It is not the only landmass on the surface of the world, though it is so separated from the rest, so hard to reach, that it might as well be. Onder's history is shaped both by powerful creatures of myth and later by powerful, mortal men.   Before men there were the Elders, and before the Elders there were the Reus, and before the Reus there was Jormun.
  Jormun, known to most as the great serpent, was the only form of life on the continent for centuries. That was, until the serpent which surrounded the continent birthed from itself, the race of the Reus.  
    Onder, as it is now, is divided and united at the same time. Once these were four independent kingdoms, warring with eachother over petty squabbles. That was, until the arrival of Karlemagt, who united the continent under his rule. Now the previous kingdoms have all been united under his banner, and have been given to his three grandsons to rule over in his name.