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Harvest of Folly

The once-bustling Haydale Farmstead has fallen eerily silent. No word from the farmhands, no shipments of grain—just unsettling quiet. Tasked with uncovering what has befallen the farm, your party must investigate the strange happenings. Can you unravel the mystery behind the farm's grim fate, or will the destruction lurking within claim you as its next victim?


  "As you approach the farmstead's gate, an unsettling silence blankets the area, unnaturally still. Beyond the gate lies a scene of destruction: Scattered around the property are three small farmhouses, their doors hanging ajar and windows shattered. In the distance, the towering windmill leans precariously, its roof partially collapsed, exposing the second floor. Farm tools—wheelbarrows, carts, and hay bales—are strewn about, some still smoldering as small, scattered fires crackle nearby. Just outside the gate, a man in a wizard’s robe lies face down in the dirt, an empty vial and a journal discarded beside him. The wind carries the faint smell of smoke and decay."  

The Wizard

  "As you step closer to the wizard's lifeless form, the stench of decay becomes more pungent, mixing with the faint smell of smoke. The body lies face down in the dirt just outside the gate, dressed in tattered, once-ornate robes now caked with dirt and ash. His hands, still outstretched toward the farmstead, are clawed as if in agony, fingers dug into the earth. A thick, black beard is matted against his gaunt, pale face, and his skin has taken on a sickly green hue. Lying just beside him is an empty glass vial, its cork stopper resting a few inches away, and a leather-bound journal slightly open, the pages fluttering in the breeze. The wizard's lips are stained dark, and his mouth is slightly open, as if gasping for breath in his final moments."  
  • DC 14 Investigation, Medicine or Nature Check
  1. Successful Check: "Upon closer inspection of the wizard's body, you notice the dark stains on his lips and around his mouth seem unnatural. Examining the empty vial, you find a faint, bitter odor clinging to its interior. Traces of a clear, viscous liquid remain at the bottom. Based on the stains and the pungent smell, you conclude that the vial once contained a potent poison. The wizard likely drank it in desperation, ending his own life."
  2. Failed Check: "You examine the vial and the wizard's body, but apart from the stains on his lips and the strange odor from the vial, you can't determine much else. Whatever caused his death remains unclear."
Journal Entries   Entry 1: The Initial Experiment "Today marks the inception of what I can only describe as a grand undertaking—a foray into the realm of magical amalgamation. The aim: to create a fusion of farm equipment, a mechanical marvel imbued with arcane energies. Oh the possibilities are endless, these farmers have no idea how marvelous their lives are about to become. Early results are promising, though the amalgamations are a bit less 'marvel' and a tad more 'mechanical misfortune.' The prototype, while impressive in size, exhibits a proclivity for erratic movement. The wood components seem to take offense at the metal—an unfortunate aesthetic disagreement, it seems."   Entry 2: The Aborted Prototype "Oh, how the tides of fate have turned! What once seemed a straightforward path to glory has become a labyrinth of blunders. The latest creation, while appearing stable at first, now exhibits a troubling tendency to combust spontaneously. I dare say, it resembles less a controlled entity and more a whirling dervish of destruction. Attempts to stabilize the energies have resulted in explosive results, and curiously, a particularly vehement recollection of despondent memories. Nevertheless, the lab is now a smoldering testament to my miscalculations, leaving me no choice but to move forward with the field trials for the next variant."   Entry 3: The Catastrophe "Alas, the time has come to pen the final chapter of this abominable experiment. What I have wrought is an amalgamation, a conglomeration, oh a dereliction of both metal and wood—uncontrolled, volatile, and now an instrument of havoc. My latest creation, in its terrible majesty, has wrought ruin upon the farmstead. It was never intended to be a harbinger of devastation, but a grand work of art!   The creatures of the field lie in ruins, as do my ambitions. Enough failures have beset me in this life—my spirit is utterly broken. This last, ghastly creation has pushed me beyond the brink. I fear I cannot bear the weight of such repeated ruin.   To contain it, I have resorted to an extreme measure: a transfiguration of the monstrosity into an inanimate object, what form it has assumed, I did not linger to witness. Three crows find me for this deserved fate, Matron forgive me for the poor souls who find it. My own state of despair compels me to consider ending this tragic narrative. Farewell, cruel world. May my final act offer some redemption amidst this sea of chaos.”  

The Farmstead

  "Moving into the Farmstead, the devastation becomes more clear. It’s as if a tornado has torn through the area. Deep, irregular gashes in the ground and splintered debris are scattered everywhere, charred wood and scorched earth contrast with the scattered remains of farm equipment, all bearing the marks of violent destruction."   Farmhouses:   Farmhouse 1
  • Outside: The first farmhouse stands with its door hanging loosely on its hinges, swinging slightly with each gust of wind. The exterior is marred by deep scorch marks and blackened patches from recent fires. The wooden walls have been battered, and parts of the roof are partially caved in. Scattered debris, including broken furniture and splintered wood, litters the area around the house.
  • Inside: Inside, the devastation is just as apparent. The floor is littered with overturned furniture, shattered dishes, and a large wooden table split in half. Soot stains and burn marks mar the walls, and the smell of charred wood fills the air. Bloodstains are seen spattered around the room but with no signs of a body.
                                                                      Development                                                                          Upon exploring Farmhouse 1, a group of Hobgoblins arrive from the front gates (1x Battle Herald, 2x Fire Striker, 2x Vicious Butcher).
  • Led by the Battle Herald, the Hobgoblins are not quick to engage in combat with the party but will not hesitate if provoked. 
  • The Hobgoblins heard that the farmstead has been abandoned and are looking to scavenge goods and to shelter there for a while. 
  • If the party attempts to be diplomatic, the Hobgoblins will agree to split the farmstead in half, taking Farmhouse 1 and Farmhouse 2, while leaving the party with Farmhouse 3 and the Windmill.
  • If they feel they are being taken advantage of or the players are being too aggressive, they will attack
  Farmhouse 2
  • Outside: The exterior of the second farmhouse appears mostly undisturbed. There are fewer signs of damage compared to the others, though the area around it is still strewn with debris. The windows are intact, and the surrounding ground is relatively clear of the more severe destruction seen elsewhere.
  • Inside: Inside, the calm contrasts sharply with the outside chaos. Personal belongings are scattered around, including clothes left behind in a large, unkempt pile in the corner and an unmade bed. A diary, smeared with tears, lies open on a table, and a small chest in the corner contains silverware and a few coins. The interior shows signs of a hasty departure, with items left in disarray but no signs of physical violence.
  Roleplay Opportunity 
  • DC 12 Investigation reveals a scared farmhand name Elena - As you search through the wreckage of the farmhouse, you notice a slight rustling coming from the pile of clothing in the corner. Upon closer inspection, you uncover a young woman, hidden beneath the clothes. Her face is smeared with dirt and streaked with tears. She appears in shock and fear, her eyes wide and trembling as she clutches a small, worn locket tightly, as if it’s her only comfort.
If the party made a deal with the Hobgoblins and left them Farmhouse 2, a scream will be heard coming from the house and Elena will come running out while the Hobgoblins surround and taunt her.
  1. If the party approaches her calmly and offers assistance: Elena’s fear does not dissipate easily. She flinches at any sudden movements and is slow to speak. Through coaxing and gentle reassurance, she gradually begins to open up. Her voice trembles as she recounts the recent events.
  2. If the party is forceful or impatient: Elena becomes more defensive and distrusting, backing away from the party and refusing to speak. She remains hidden under the hay, shaking her head and muttering about the danger she is in.
Information Elena might reveal
  • The creature which attacked is a massive, flaming abomonation of metal and wood
  • She saw the wizard contain it by turning it into a wagon wheel, then a Haystack and then wheelbarrow before she ducked into the house
Farmhouse 3
  • Outside: The third farmhouse reeks of destruction. The walls are charred, and parts of the structure have collapsed, leaving broken timbers and debris around the foundation. The roof is partially destroyed, and large gashes are visible in the surrounding ground, as if something enormous had struck the area.
  • Inside: Inside, the gruesome aftermath is stark. The remains of a person are slumped against the far wall, burned beyond recognition. Nearby, scattered tools and weapons suggest an attempt to fend off the attackers. A pile of hay in the corner looks oddly untouched, contrasting with the surrounding devastation.
DC 12 Investigation - Beneath the pile of hay in the corner is a door
  • The door opens to reveal a small storage chamber. "Dust clings to everything in the room—old shelves lined with jars of preserved food, a sturdy wooden table pushed against the far wall, and several mismatched chairs scattered haphazardly. Cabinets, their doors barely hanging on, hold tarnished cutlery, weathered linens, and a few broken farming tools."
  • Searching the room will reveal a locked chests beneath a table. (DC 12 Sleight of Hand) - 30gp worth of fine clothing and jewelry
  • Exterior: "The windmill leans dangerously to one side, its structure partially collapsed. Large chunks of wood and stone lay around its base and the entrance to the windmill is blocked by debris, but a narrow gap seems to lead inside. The blades are not moving, but from your vantage point on the ground, you can see an ornate looking bag appears to be caught in the gear mechanism inside the roof."
  • Interior: "The interior of the windmill is dark and unstable. Loose beams hang from the ceiling, and the floor is covered in dust and debris. A broken ladder lies on the floor to the upper levels, but it looks unstable. Scattered papers and tools cover the floor, hinting at recent activity before the collapse"
Skill Challenge: Retrieve the Ornate Bag   Stage 1: Climbing to the Second Floor - The ladder leading to the second floor is broken, so players must find another way up to the balcony.
  • Athletics (DC 15): A successful check allows a player to scale the windmill’s interior by climbing the walls or using remnants of the ladder.
  • Failure: The player slips or loses their grip, falling back to the ground and taking 1d6 bludgeoning damage. Further attempts to climb have DC 17 due to weakened footholds.
  • Acrobatics (DC 15): Alternatively, players can try to leap onto stable beams or debris and climb the windmill’s exterior with agility.
  • Failure: The player loses balance, falling and taking 1d6 bludgeoning damage, restarting the climb.
  • Perception (DC 12): Before attempting the climb, players can spot weak points or helpful handholds that allow them to find an easier path. A successful check grants advantage on the next Athletics or Acrobatics check to reach the second floor.
Repeat checks to scale second half of windmill   Stage 2: Retrieving the Bag - A player may crawl into the mechanism and attempt to retrieve the bag using one of the following checks. Once the bag has been removed, the mechanism will begin to turn once more and the player inside must succeed on a DC 14 Dexterity Saving Throw, taking 1d6 bludegeoning damage on a failed save from the now turning mechanism.
  • Sleight of Hand (DC 14) - A player may attempt a Sleight of Hand check to untangle the bag from the mechanism. 
  • Strength (DC 14) - A player may attempt a strength check to pull the bag loose from the mechanism. (Doing so breaks one of the gears causing the blades to spin eratically. The DC for stage 3 increases by 2)
Stage 3: Getting out - With the mechanism now active, a player inside must navigate the moving parts to crawl out.
  • Acrobatics (DC 14 (17 if the mechanism was broken)): A successful check allows them to exit safely. Failure: The player misjudges the movement of the gears and gets partially trapped, taking 2d6 bludgeoning damage from the moving parts. They must make a Strength Saving Throw (DC 12) to free themselves.
Loots: Bag of Holding with the following items:
  • 2x Potion of Healing
  • 1x Potion of Greater Healing
  • 1x Potion of Resistance (Fire)
  • Wand of Magic Missile

Harvest of Folly - Player Guide

  The once-bustling Haydale Farmstead has fallen eerily silent. No word from the farmhands, no shipments of grain in over a tenday—just unsettling quiet. Tasked with uncovering what has befallen the farm, your party must investigate the strange happenings and ensure the farm's operations can resume and the grain shipments can flow once more. Can you unravel the mystery behind the farm's grim fate, or will the destruction lurking within claim you as its next victim?   Character Creation   Edition: 5e   Level: 6   Stats: Point Buy   Gear:
  • Starting gear
  • 1x set of mundane armour (any type)
Magic Items - 4 points
  • Potion of Healing - 1 point
  • Uncommon         - 2 points
  • Rare                   - 3 points.
  • +1 Weapon - 1x Free (Yes, you get 1 free +1 weapon)

Running The Adventure

  This adventure is designed for a party of 4-6, fifth level players. Difficulty will vary depending on party size and composition. If you have 4 players, you might want to allow the players to take a short rest.     A wizard got a little overzealous with a new creation designed to aid farmers in their production (The Wicker Man). The creation got out of control and went on a rampage through Haydale, leaving a path of destruction in its wake. As a last ditch effort before succumbing to himself, the wizard turned his creation into a random farm object, temperarily containing it. The players will navigate the farmstead in search of the creature, unaware of its current form.    The players arrive from the gate (Left side of the map) and can explore any aspect of the farmstead. When any player moves within 10ft of the object (See The Wicker Man encounter), the object will once more become The Wicker Man and attack. Since the adventure takes place within this one map, the order at which the players explores does not matter and can be driven by the players.     


  • 1x Battle Herald 
  • 2x Fire Striker
  • 2x Vicious Butcher
  The Wicker Man - The object that the wizard turned The Wicker Man into is a large haybale, enclosed in the fence around the windmill. 
  • When a player moves within 10ft of the haybale, read the below prompt then reveal The Wicker Man and roll for Initiative.
"As you search the area, a flicker of movement catches your eye from a nearby haybale. At first glance, nothing seems amiss, but moments later, small flames begin to crackle and dance across its surface. In seconds, the haybale is consumed by fire, and agonizing screams fill the air. The haybale quivers violently, and in an instant, where it once stood, a towering creature of wood and metal rises, flames surging through its body. Trapped within the inferno, the source of the screams becomes horrifyingly clear—people, their forms writhing as they struggle in vain to escape the blaze."

Journal Entries


Signs on the Farm

  • Shattered Cart - The cart lies in splinters, its wheel crushed, and deep claw-like gouges mar its sides, with scorch marks along the edges.
  • Crushed Plow - The iron plow is bent and broken, its metal blades twisted and partially melted as if slammed by something powerful and fiery.
  • Splintered Hay Fork - A hay fork is snapped in half, with the handle blackened and the tines twisted, showing signs of intense heat and magical fire.
  • Eviscerated Wheelbarrow - The wheelbarrow is shredded, its wooden frame torn apart by jagged slashes, and its contents scorched and smoldering nearby.
  • Trampled Seed Bag - A torn seed bag lies in a pool of scorched grain, the ground beneath it burned in a pattern that suggests something large and hot trampled through.
  • Melted Hoe - The metal blade of a hoe has melted into a misshapen lump, and its handle is charred black, still faintly warm to the touch.
  • Smashed Water Trough - A water trough is shattered, with wood splinters scattered around and scorch marks where water once pooled before evaporating.
  • Scorched Scythe - A scythe stuck in the ground has a blackened, dull blade, its wooden handle cracked and covered in ash, hinting at recent destruction.


  Leaning Clay-Roofed Lean-To
  • The small lean-to is partially collapsed, its clay tiles cracked and fallen. Inside, cut up logs are stacked and ready to be used as fire wood or to be prepared as lumber.
  • A hidden compartment beneath the hay reveals 40gp and a letter with an attached portrait
Broken Well - The well is crumbling, with moss-covered stones and a fractured top, the wooden cover long rotted away. A faint trickling sound comes from the dark, murky depths below, where something faintly shimmers in the water.
  • DC 13 check for getting down
  • Loot: Bear Bead


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