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Dryads in Oneren are not really naturally occurring creatures - instead, they are created, intentionally or not, with malicious intent by humanoid races. In The Betwys Vale, a ritual performed by the Unseen clan who inhabits it created these tree spirits in order to protect their lands from malicious outsiders. These spirits, imbued into the trees and denied a true return to soil and rest, are known to sometimes animate and kill any seeking to harm the woods. These spirits are seen as walking trees, but with various limbs and body parts sticking out, accompanied by an often distorted face trapped in an eternal wail.  


As the D&D 5e statblock for Dryads, with the following changes:
  • The appearance, obviously (see above)
  • Challenge Rating 2 (Due to their more violent nature)
  • Creatures which have been Snared by the Dryad have advantage on their saving throws against its Fey Charm ability.
  • Remove the Tree Stride ability.
  • For flavor purposes, the Club attack is actually just a Slam attack the Dryad performs with one of its limbs - stats/bonuses/damage is the same, and can still be affected by Shillelagh if cast.
  • Spells

  • At will: druidcraft, primal savagery
  • 1/day: Snare (see "Lair Effect"
  • 3/day each: entangle, fog cloud
  • 1/day each: barkskin, pass without trace, shillelagh
  • "Lair" Effect

    These dryads also have the ability to cast Snare. Each dryad generally has an area near them affected with the Snare spell each day if they feel threatened. The dryads plan carefully where to place these Snare spells so as not to catch wildlife, although the occasional wolf or large rodent may be caught. Dryads do not immediately go after prey caught in a Snare; generally, they will observe their behavior for a moment or two before deciding whether to attack or allow the creature to escape - unless it is one of those creatures by which the Dryad feels threatened, of course.

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