A Jingle in Market Town in Oniran | World Anvil
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A Jingle in Market Town

Knight of the Gifts

It wasn’t often that the Runedom Guild visited Stonewood, it was about a 6 day trip from Dawngrove and even longer on foot, but the New Year’s Festival was deemed a special occasion worth the trip. It was that time of year once again. The time when adventurers and townsfolk alike wore thick layers to stave off the cold; and when the scent of a dozen different baked goods and sweets dominated the air.


“Do you think Chef would want a skillet?” Blade asked while clinging to his hood for warmth.
Story thought for a moment before smiling through purple-tinted cheeks. “Do you honestly think Chef doesn’t already have a plethora of skillets, pots, and pans?”


They stood near the center of Market Town as they talked, rivers of other people flowing around them in a stream of colors, glowing eyes, scales, and the gleam of metal. Story always loved this about the kingdom. If it was up to him he’d just sit back and watch the crowds walk past, sometimes trying to guess the affinities of the knights he took interest in. (Which is the reason they refuse to let Story go out alone) His gaze turned to Blade, who’s fogged breath implied he was talking.
Wait, How is his breath fogging up? He’s wearing a metal mask, there’s no holes in it, wouldn’t his breath come out of the eyeholes? Is he talking to me right now?


“Story? Are you dying?” Blade waved a hand in front of Story’s face.
“Oh, uh… Were you talking to me?”
“Get your head in the game, man! Do you want to be late for dinner?”


They had already gotten gifts for the others, that was the easy part. Blade loves blades. Bunny always loved getting new pillows and blankets to add to her vast collection. Bomb liked to relax with coffee and scented candles. Shuffle’s always satisfied with more spell cards but in a pinch you could never go wrong with alcohol. Story cherished books and journals. Huntress was never one to want anything, although last year her gift was a training dummy bearing Shuffle’s likeness. (This was met with criticism, but only from Shuffle) However, they always struggled to think of what Chef would like. Usually, when he wanted something he would get it himself.


“I’m telling you, man, he would really like a nice cast-iron pot.”
“Blade, that is quite literally the exact same thing you got him last year, as well as the year before that, and the one before that, and so on.”
“In my defense I also got him a knife along with the pot last year. Besides, it’s not my fault that he always loves the pots, that’s supply and demand, baby.”
“That’s...not what supply and demand mea-”


His voice trailed off when he heard a jingling in front of them. The sound grew louder as a Knight approached the two, tall and clad in silver armor over a bright red coat. The sound seemed to be coming from their comically large hood as if it were filled with a dozen little bells jingling with each step. Despite the slightly intimidating appearance, their crescent shaped eyes looked down at Story with an air of warmth and kindness.


“Um, hello!” Story said, not really sure why this Knight had approached them but still smiling at the thought of meeting someone new, “Do we know each other?”

The Knight shook their head.

“May I ask what your name is?”


A gathering of brightly colored runes sparkled around the Knight. They didn’t talk, or perhaps they weren’t able to, they only pulled out a wrapped present from their hood, tied up in a neat bow.




They nodded and gestured towards the glowing runes. The runes formed the shape of a present next to a question mark, Story immediately understood what they were trying to ask.


“Oh, yes, we’re trying to find a gift for our friend, Chef!”
Blade chimed in, “I was thinking another cast-iron pot but Story here doesn’t agree with me.”


The runes now formed a bowl of soup, a loaf of bread, a mug of ale, and a slab of meat. A question mark accompanying all of them.


“Oh he’s not necessarily anything specific, just culinary arts in general.”
“You know, he does like cooking meat a lot.”
“You’re right, his favorite dishes are all meat related.”
“He’s a big meat guy.”
“I would even go as far as saying he’s a huge meat guy.”
“Big fan of meat.”


Gift placed a hand where their chin would be; clearly deep in thought, but not for long. The bells jingled as they perked up and began to gently shake the present. It wasn't long before the two could hear a jostling inside as if whatever was in there was slowly being created. From the box they pulled out a cleaver. It was a massive blade about the length of Story’s arm and twice as thick. The fact that it came from a box so small defied all logic, but at this point anything was possible.


“Oh, thank you so much! I’m sure he’ll love this!” Story said as he struggled to carry it.


They waved with a smile, or at least the idea of a smile, and walked away. The lights and jingles soon faded in the sea of a bustling marketplace.


“Well, that was certainly a new experience.”
“Wait, shouldn’t we pay them for helping us?”
“I don’t get the impression that they wanted money.”


He handed the cleaver to Blade, who took it with excitement before sheathing it on his back. Wait.


“How...did you do that?”
“Do what?”

They both stared at each other in silence, or about as silent as silence can get in a marketplace.

Story sighed, “Nevermind.”

Master Jontaro

While I would love to go on an adventure, writing them is enough for me.


All the art is made by me unless labled otherwise!


Author's Notes

This is a short story I wrote last year while I was still making the Knight article, so for this year I decided to polish the writing a little bit to put into my world. It could definitely be better but hey sometimes we just gotta put some Christmas into our fantasy worlds.   Fun Fact: Blade is actually holding this cleaver in the banner art of the Knight's article.

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