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Bonfire Broth

If All The Comforts of Home were Simmered and Jarred

"I suppose she left quite an impression on me. I wasn't always the kind or trusting sort, and in a lot of ways it left me quite miserable. Yes. But it's not often you experience salvation from a complete stranger; especially in our line of work, yeah? But...while I can't guarantee it'll happen to me again, I can guarantee that I can provide it for someone else, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Wouldn't you agree?”
— Wandering Knight

onfire Broth is more of an idea rather than a recipe set in stone. An experience, if you will. Sitting in a makeshift campsite with a bonfire blazing, surrounded by the company of friends, fellow adventurers, or travelers met on the way, the sounds of the forest and music alike, stories of recent quests and achievements, and a meal that tastes like all the comforts of home. A memento in liquid form.

A "tradition" in the most casual sense, but nonetheless one that's slowly spreading. The version you'd probably come across most often is one akin to the law of hospitality. If you encounter someone on the road then, assuming they're not immediately drawing their weapon upon seeing you, it may be in your best interest to stop by for rest and a chat. Keep in mind, it's usually good practice to ask first and offer something in return.
Mug of True Ice
Placeholder Card

They say it started with a party of adventurers not too keen on letting anything go to waste; leftover bones, scraps of vegetables, spare herbs, stale bread and the like. After roasting the scraps and unceremoniously dumping them into a cauldron atop a bonfire, they realized they might've been onto something. See, the adventurers were no chefs but the aroma eventually wafting from the brew was unmistakably rich and pleasant.

It wasn't long before the broth attracted multiple packs of Kobolds, much to the weakened party's dismay. But just when they thought they'd meet their end, a second adventuring party charged from the forest to aid in the fight. The two parties rallied, driving the Kobolds back into the forest and ensuring that every single one of them was still standing.

With the dust cleared and gratitudes expressed, the first party offered to share the broth that caused them so much trouble. The second happily accepted and, with an actual chef among them, offered to prepare and roast the severed Kobold tails. What followed was a night of singing, laughter, stories, and a delicious Kobold Stew.

Thus, the tradition of Bonfire Broth began.

Color Story

Broth by the Bonfire
Prose | Apr 3, 2024

You look weary, traveler. Come, sit, and I'll get you a bowl of my finest broth!


  • Common
  • Type

  • Food
  • Association

  • Universal
  • Common Price

  • N/A
  • Additional Notes

  • Since the recipe is most often a broth or stock, it has a variety of applications.
  • Some might choose to bottle it and drink it straight, it's no meal replacement but on its own its got all the good stuff and'll give you a boost when meals get scarce.
  • Assuming its made properly, some might wait for it to cool and gelatinize to be used as a "jam" for toast.
  • The more culinary-inclined may be interested in further refining it into Demi-Glace and splitting it into small portions. These portions can then be added to soups, stews, and sauces for added enrichment.

  • It's no secret that broth can take an extremely long time to make properly, which is why many dedicated adventurers choose to invest in an Alchemist's Pot that can simmer the broth even when on the move.
  • As a bonus, many enchanted pots have also been known to grant their effects to the broth itself.

  • Mechanics

  • In the context of a game, I'd say that a mundane jar of Bonfire Broth would act as a potion base or an extremely weak health potion. Perhaps even temporary health. But can have effects added onto that depending on how it's made. That being said, it has to be made by the party, not bought or found or looted.

  • Here's what I've come up with. Depending on factors like time, ingredients, and/or the cook/cookware, the broth can be Low Quality, Good Quality, or High Quality.
  • Low Quality grants Temp HP
  • Good Quality heals and grants a buff, random by default but with the right setup can be chosen
  • High Quality heals you and also you make a DC 10 Flat Check

  • Crit Success - Benefits of a Long Rest
    Success - Additional Health and Quickened
    Failure - Additional Health
    Crit Failure - No Additional Effect
    All the art is made by me unless labled otherwise!


    Author's Notes

    I'm not gonna sugarcoat it, this prompt was targeted at ME specifically. In fact, it might have actually gotten me back in the writing mood to the point where maybe I could try going for Silver. But again no promises.   Now that I've expanded upon the broth from that short story I'm considering actually going through with an update idea I had for it. That idea was basically to format and add elements to it to make it feel more like an RPG, while also having a separate unedited version to read normally. It's still a rough idea but it's definitely there in my brain. Anyway, that's all for now. Have a good one!

    Please Login in order to comment!
    Aug 16, 2024 10:03

    Well, if this prompt was targeted at you - you did extremely well with it. I loved the idea and the way you wrote about it. The throwback to an older article of yours was also a nice touch. This one entered my reading challenge as one of the main courses.

    Sit down, my friend, and let me tell you of Aran'sha . A world where the sands shift and the stars sing, where the wind carries secrets and the twin moons keep silent vigil over it all.
    Aug 16, 2024 15:07 by Jon

    Yoooooooo as one of the main courses??? That's sick and based and epic, thanks so much!!!

    While I would love to go on an adventure, writing them is enough for me.
    Aug 17, 2024 14:12 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

    I love how cosy this article is, and I really like the thought it is more of an idea than a recipe. I can definitely picture an adventuring party sitting down and sharing food and stories.

    Aug 17, 2024 16:53 by Jon

    Thank you! I'm glad you found it as cozy as I did when writing it!!!

    While I would love to go on an adventure, writing them is enough for me.
    Aug 26, 2024 20:39

    This is peak storytelling my friend, I loved it! The throwback to your excellent short story too, it's so cool to see it expanded! Nice addition with the gameplay part.

    Hoo~ Hoo
    Aug 27, 2024 02:15 by Jon

    Thanks so much!!!

    While I would love to go on an adventure, writing them is enough for me.