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Runestone Trebuchet

From Improvised Ammunition to Chaotic Tactics

As the last of the boulders was sent flying above the ramparts and Maplewood's defenders were left scrambling for a new plan, the Court Wizard recalled his collection of Runestones kept in the treasury. Much too small to do any real damage, but each of them Inscribed with potent Evocation spells. If there were any time to use them, it might as well be in defense of their home; Worst case scenario he'd at least get to test a theory that'd been stuck in his mind for some time now.
  "Gentlemen, it is now that I implore you to hear me out! I have a plan!!!"

As a last ditch effort during The Siege of Maplewood Keep, the defenders took advantage of the Court Wizard's hoard of Inscribed Runestones to use as ammunition for their trebuchets. Not only did this tactic lead to their eventual victory, it proved the Court Wizard's ongoing theory of alternative ways to cast spells as well as open the door for a far more chaotic siege tactic moving forward. A bit of a double edged sword, but nonetheless a new innovation in the use of magic in war.

Until this event, it was believed in Wizardry that most Damage or Control Spells could only be casted through the user with very few exceptions. If you casted Arcane Missile, Fireball, or Wall of Water you would still have to control, throw, or raise it respectively. For the most part this is true, and if the Wizard had just launched the Runestone on its own nothing would come of it. But through a clever combination of Enchantment Spells and the, at the time, newly discovered technique of Delayed Casting, he had essentially invented the Wizard equivalent of an Alchemist's time bomb. The Inscribed Runestone would essentially cast itself without need for an external user.
This new tactic was not without its own kinks and flaws. Firstly, a Wizard (as far as we know, the spells and techniques needed to pull this off can only be accessed through Wizardry) must be present to both charge and arm the projectile. Secondly, the projectiles cannot be fully prepared in advance as the act of Delayed Casting is essentially lighting the fuse, at that point the Runestone is extremely volatile and must be used immediately and with extreme caution. Thirdly, no matter the system, study, or method of casting, a Spell is still a Spell. Should the opposition have casters of their own there is always the risk of the projectile being countered in the best case, or either reflected back to you or used to empower themselves in the worst case.

Bonus Lore

Outside of war, the innovation led to a new class of adventurers who combined the study of Wizardry and Alchemical Weaponry (bombs), creating hybrids between Spells and Concoctions to quickly craft explosives in the heat of combat, to take advantage of both magical and non-magical damage and statuses.

Spell Combo

Arcane Missile

While in the air, the projectile bursts into a number of shards based on the strength of the Spell during casting. Without a caster the missiles have no way of homing in on targets, but when combined with a basic casting of any Wisp Spell (Flame Wisp, Arcane Wisp, Water Wisp, etc.) the missiles will automatically lock on to any targets within about 20 feet. Otherwise they just plummet to the ground, creating a small burst at the point of impact.
All the art is made by me unless labled otherwise!


Author's Notes

Yeah I think this is alright, definitely not my best but I still like it enough. While its purely meant to be a bit article that doesn't also mean it's not canon, in fact writing this has actually raised a few ideas to expand upon in the future, like that new class or unique applications of spells. Also I totally intended to have multiple spell combos but ran out of room in the sidebar vhsbdvjkhb. Does this mean I'm officially going for Silver? Idk we'll just have to see. Anyway, that's all for now. Have a good one!

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Jul 18, 2024 01:56 by jyliet of the house

Really big implications for those scientific advancements! I'd love to hear more about a new class or spell applications.

Jul 18, 2024 05:09 by Jon

I'll be sure to get on that when ideas strike! Thank you!!!

While I would love to go on an adventure, writing them is enough for me.
Jul 18, 2024 06:36 by Ephraïm Boateng

This is a really cool idea, provided it doesn't backfire!

Jul 18, 2024 08:20 by Jon


While I would love to go on an adventure, writing them is enough for me.
Aug 2, 2024 12:07

I feel like the level of warcrime you can commit with these must be a nightmare for those on the receiving end of these runestones. A stone being hurled at your castle walls is one thing, now imagine getting bombarded with a fireball or a spray of acid, or even some weird necrotic damage taking out your whole army.   I wonder if you could do something similar with a slingshot (if runestones come in a size comfortable enough for one to chuck like that), or if something like that can even work with pistol ammunition or arrow tips. Guess it would take some madmen finding enough stones to test this kind of arcane experimentation.   Though nothing beats just chucking a rock at the enemy.

Aug 2, 2024 18:29 by Jon

I like to think it might be balanced if the attackers also have a mage with them, but yeah this thing is just a warcrime waiting to happen vhsdfgvjh   And oh my god you might actually be cooking with that second bit, this is going in my notes immediately. Thanks so much!!!

While I would love to go on an adventure, writing them is enough for me.
Aug 8, 2024 22:03 by Valentine Myers

I love the kind of innovation driven by desperation, and the fact that it opened a whole new pathway of study is amazing! I can really feel a sense that any characters and/or players in this world would have a lot of freedom and experimentation at their fingertips to do some really fun stuff!

Aug 8, 2024 22:50 by Jon

Thanks so much! That really means a lot!!!

While I would love to go on an adventure, writing them is enough for me.