Runic Storms Physical / Metaphysical Law in Oniran | World Anvil
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Runic Storms

When the World Just Needs to Get Its Energy Out

"Okay okay guys I know this seems bad but we can get through this. Just stay close to the walls, avoid the pillars of fire, jump over the chasms, and if anything happens Kinukoh has healing magic at the ready-"

— Unprepared Party

Imagine if you will a rather mundane scenario. You're exploring an area with a strong ambient magic, you know this after taking note of the runic embers floating about and chunks of Runestone embedded in the terrain. We'll say it's a forest and that the embers are bright blue, which is often the default. One moment, all is normal. We'll even say you're setting up camp with your companions. The next, the air grows still and you immediately get a feeling that something is about to go wrong. The sky above you darkens, a little fast for rainclouds but surely this is just normal, right? The embers around you shift to a bright, fiery orange; each of them beginning to form the shape of runes. You need to leave. Now.

By all accounts, Runic Storms are extremely rare. The rarest type of natural disaster, in fact. When the magic in a given area grows strong enough to no longer qualify as just "ambient", the energy will be released in the form of Elemental Storms. The storms themselves are chaotic, explosive displays of elemental magic similar to basic Wildshaping techniques and Evocation spells. Colloquially speaking, when nature has too much excess magic and starts casting spells to cope; casting magic is a lot like taking a deep breath before yelling your heart out, you can only hold so much air.

Elemental Correlation

As with most things relating to magic, there appears to be a method to the madness. While it's not a hard and fast rule, there IS a correlation between the environment and the element. Two, actually. The first is a matching element, a Fire Storm in a volcanic region, a Water Storm in a coastal region (Some would say that's just rain), an Earthquake in a Highland region, etc. The second is an elemental counter, such as a Fire Storm in a forest region.

Environmental Impact & Survival

Yes. Jokes aside, these storms have a reputation of being incredibly violent and devastating. But their rarity, coupled with them only ever happening in areas with high, unstable magic, the average person doesn't necessarily have to worry about them. It helps to be prepared, however. The best method is to flee outright, but in a pinch it helps to remember that these are still spells, and thus can be countered, parried, and/or dispelled altogether.

Bonus Lore

Permanent Storms

In rare instances, an area might have the optimal conditions for a storm to last significantly longer than it should. In rarer instances, the storm may even be permanent, or at least with no apparent signs of stopping or easing up.

A well known example of this occuring is the Cloudburst Coastside, a coastline Northeast of Yasurun infamous for its frequent Lightning Storms. This coastline also serves as an example of wildlife learning to adapt to the uninmaginably violent conditions.

Cloudburst Coastside
Geographic Location | Jul 3, 2024

A Region of Near Constant Natural Disaster

All the art is made by me unless labled otherwise!


Author's Notes

Wooooo second prompt done let's goooooo. I finally wrote a short article I didn't think I had it in me. I don't really have much to say for this one, I think its cool, neat, even. Fits with the world and all its magic bullshit. This is also one of those ideas that came immediately once the prompt was read on stream, it just fit PERFECTLY with prompt 1. A little TOO perfect if you ask me. Anyway, that's all for now. Have a good one!

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Jul 5, 2024 04:07 by Ephraïm Boateng

That quote at the beginning killed me lol Great Article!

Jul 5, 2024 15:33 by Jon

Thank you!

While I would love to go on an adventure, writing them is enough for me.