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Stolen Voices of Forgotten Victims

"The Uncanny Valley is undeniable proof that at some point in our evolution we needed to be afraid of something that looked human, but wasn't. However, what's more worrying to me is the possibility that we still do."
— Lore Knight

This all starts with a Valkyrian folk tale named "Silence of the Forest". It's the oldest recording of this thing I could find, however, I have reason to believe that this isn't the first mention, only the first time it was named. The writing is a cautionary tale, no doubt intended to spook children out of going into the forest alone, that speaks of some entity called the Vakumyr. My understanding of the name being "Vaku-", the equivalent of putting "Valkyrian" at the front of a word, and "-myr", meaning "mimic". According to the tale, the entity takes the form and voice of a child's mother to lead them to the edge of the forest, only to reveal itself as a demon just before taking them. I want you to keep this in mind.

"Their False Return" is an Elven story exploring a cultural fear that is rarely talked about. The dream of dragons returning haunted by the possibility that they won't be the same. The story follows the events of a single night, during which two Elves are hunted down by a demonic dragon. The creature is unnamed and frequently switches forms in an attempt to find what scares them the most. The Elves don't survive, they're tricked out of hiding when the demon mimics both a sunrise and the voices of the search party looking for them, its true form is revealed just before the story ends; the way it's described strikes me as some kind of Dracolich overtaken by the Corruption.
"The Voice in the Fields" was, unsurprisingly, my first exposure to the subject. A Knight urban legend spread mostly by farmers about a family discovering an abnormally tall scarecrow they don't remember ever having in the first place. They set it up in the fields and forget about it, at least until the anomalies start happening. The sound of faint, ragged breathing, the corpses of animals found in unexplainable places, strange lights from across the field, and eventually the realization that every night it gets closer and closer to their home. The story ends with the scarecrow appearing at the front door, revealing itself to be a demon, and the family never being heard from again. The only trace of what happened being the screams for help you can still sometimes hear in the fields.

To most, these stories are just that, stories. Sure there may be real-world equivalents to these creatures but something doesn't sit right with me and never has. These stories are too damn consistent. An entity that mimics forms and voices in order to both lure victims and scare them as much as possible, reveals itself just before the kill, and mirrors the fears of whatever culture happens to have writings on it. I've only explained three examples but I assure you there's dozens from all over the world; some being stories, others being anecdotes, and all of them describing the exact same thing. Not only do I think all of these are the Vakumyr, I wholeheartedly believe it's still out there somewhere.

Personal Encounter

Maybe it was abysmal luck, maybe it's cause I dug deeper into its existence, but I'm certain that I encountered the Vakumyr and the only reason I survived is because I knew I was alone in that forest.

See, I talk to myself a lot. It helps me focus and organize my thoughts while on the road since I don't always have travelling buddies. It was in the dead of night and I was on my way back from investigating The Hermit's Tower. I was recording my findings while on the move, talking to myself as I did so, when I heard my own voice repeated back from behind me.

I was about to brush it off as an echo of some sort, that's when it started screaming for help. Against my better judgement I rushed towards the voice. What I found honestly made me wish I just ran into the Vakumyr itself, slumped over against a tree was the body of someone...important to me. Beaten, lacerated, and with missing eyes. It had their voice. I knew it wasn't them, I knew that no one came with me, and I knew that everyone avoided this part of the forest in the first place. So I conjured a wall of fire between us and ran.

That's when I started my research, but after these findings? I think I'm going to sit this one out. I'd rather not fuck with the primordial embodiment of fear.
All the art is made by me unless labled otherwise!


Author's Notes

This is another Yosakani Crabs situation where I've technically had this lore for at least 4 years just sitting in the vault. It probably would've been a better fit for Spooktober but this prompt fit really well and I wanted my 8th article to be something good and not a dumb bit. (it was originally gonna be a Runestone Trebuchet) At first I thought I was gonna use this for the Urban Legend prompt but remembered that the entire point of this is the idea that its potentially all the same entity.   I won't lie, this is like one of my favorite types of horror. I'll call it Mimic Horror. The uncanny valley, stolen voices, alternates, all that shit. The reason that I know this was at least 4 years ago is cause I was inspirationally fueled by the Fiddlesticks Rework in League of Legends. I just think it goes hard. But the real meat of the article was actually a shower thought I had during WorldEmber. And on top of that this used to be about Wendigoes.   I think it's also important to keep in mind that just because Lore says something, whether it be a theory or just his perspective, doesn't necessarily mean it's as he says it is. The truth of the matter is that he doesn't know, all he can do is seek out lore and piece together the stories of Oniran as best as he can. This is another way of me saying "I know if I explain the horror it ceases to be horror, so instead I'll put a big ass question mark at the end of the article". Anyway, that's all for now. Have a good one!

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Aug 24, 2024 06:52

Wow this is a really great inspirational article and I had a Supernatural vibe with goosebumps reading the little anecdotes and sidebar. I like that there are similar stories across cultures and that they didn't "spell out" the horror but just hinted at it, which makes it all the more scary.

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
Aug 25, 2024 00:08 by Jon

Thanks so much! I'm really glad you liked it!!!

While I would love to go on an adventure, writing them is enough for me.
Aug 25, 2024 22:23 by Mardrena Lockehart

Glad to see it! Sometimes you don't have to go all out with the template sometimes you can just let the story do the talking for you. Hope you can add in newer artwork someday.

Crazy Anime Cat Lady and Gamer Nun, Proud Texan Enjoying Renaissance Faires.
Aug 25, 2024 22:47 by Jon

Thank you!!!

While I would love to go on an adventure, writing them is enough for me.