Aarakocra Species in Onomar | World Anvil


The aarakocra of Onomar have long since abandoned their roots within the Elemental Plane of Air, having been displaced to Onomar during the planet's youth.  Onomar is home to three aarakocra dynasties:  The Northern Owls, the Desert Falcons, and the Ravens of Dreadloft.  

Snow, Sand, and Death

The three dynasties of aarakocra have been at each other's throats for generations.  Each dynasty has vastly differing values and customs that have led to extreme animosity.  The Northern Owls, often called snowbirds by common folk, are steadfast intellectuals and philanthropists.  They believe that all life on Onomar has its merits and believe it is their duty to protect the "lesser" species.  They are often condescending, though they are the easiest to reason with.  No one has been able to pinpoint the exact location of their cities, but they are most often found in cold, northern regions.  The Desert Falcons, by contrast, believe they are the rightful rulers of Onomar.  Quick to anger, the warmongering Falcons prefer to fight first and ask questions later.  They respect strength above all else.  Like the Owls, no one has been able to pinpoint exactly where the Falcons come from.  However, it is widely believed they have a foothold somewhere in the Veridian Desert.   The Ravens of Dreadloft are an enigma among the aarakocra.  Unlike the other two dynasties, their exact location has been known for generations:  the necropolis Dreadloft.  It is unknown exactly when they began inhabiting Dreadloft, but legends tell of their arrival and infiltration of the once shining city, where their influence corrupted its peoples and the land around it.  The Ravens are cunning and cruel, believing life to be their plaything.  Many of them see themselves as fledgling gods, hungering for power over life and death itself.  Many Ravens are powerful spellcasters and necromancers.  Though the Owls and the Falcons have their differences, they stand together against the furtherance of the schemes of the Ravens.   Few aarakocra are found outside of these dynasties.  Most aarakocra found among the terrestrial species are outcasts of their dynasties, having been excommunicated for various crimes against their own society.  

Birds of a Feather

Though their names would suggest otherwise, the physical appearance of the members of each society does not strictly follow their namesake.  Falcon-like aarakocra are found within the Northern Owls just as often as raven-like aarakocra are found within the Desert Falcons.  The dynastic names are believed to be constructs of common folk.  What is common among them all are their feathered bodies, powerful wings, and birdlike heads.