Tonitrus is the fifth plane from Ignus, and the first beyond the Roil of Tholas. It is a massive plane, whose surface perpetually rages with storms. On astral voyages, it has been observed from above as a plane completely blanketed in dense red, brown, and grey clouds, always flashing with lightning. On the surface, little light from Ignus is capable of penetrating the dense cloud cover, and most light on the surface comes from the constantly arcing lightning. Extremely high winds and torrential rain make even the simplest tasks on the surface difficult. The plane is inhabited by elemental storm and lightning spirits, who are ruled over by storm gods such as Taaluk, who build their palaces both high on the peaks of the tallest mountains or deep beneath the earth. Tonitrus is the source from which all electromancy originates in the Planar Disc.
Natural Resources
Mages draw electromancy from Tonitrus.
Alternative Name(s)
Sphere of Storms