Crystal Gem Apple Item in Ooo | World Anvil

Crystal Gem Apple

The Crystal Gem Apple is a special apple that Tree Trunks[npc] really wanted to taste. It first appears in the episode "Tree Trunks". It hangs in the middle of a mushroom-shaped tree deep in the @Evil Forest[location] and is protected by the @Crystal Guardian[character]. Whoever eats the Crystal Gem Apple is teleported to the @Crystal Dimension[location] and given ultimate power over the @Crystal Men[species] until the gem leaves their body. In the main dimension, where the Crystal Gem Apple grows, it may appear to bystanders that the consumer thereof spontaneously combusts, especially when the bystanders lack the knowledge of the power it possesses or of the Crystal Dimension from which it comes. The apple reappears in "Crystals Have Power" when Jake kicks Tree Trunks in the stomach and she coughs it up.
Item type
Consumable, Magical


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