Mount Cragdor Geographic Location in Ooo | World Anvil

Mount Cragdor

Mount Cragdor is a setting in Adventure Time. It is the location of @The Enchiridion[item] and it is the residence of a variety of creatures. The episode "The Enchiridion!" took place here, in which Finn and Jake had to retrieve the Enchiridion. The entire mountain and its surrounding forest is gated, and the entrance is guarded by @Key-per[character], the first trial. It is unknown if there are other inhabitants beyond the ones that appeared in the episode, but it is likely since Finn and Jake used the Ogre's "big money" to glide over most of the obstacles. In "Come Along With Me," it is shown that BMO lives at the peak, a thousand years in the future, under the moniker of "The King of Ooo."
Mountain / Hill


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