Ooo Together Again

Together Again

Life, Death


Finn and Jake meet again in the Land of the Dead

New Death is influenced by the Lich to kill Death and become his successor. Jake and Finn separately pass away from old age and are taken to the Land of the Dead. Finn transcends into the 37th Dead World. Finn finds Jake in the 50th Dead World. New Death destroys the other Dead Worlds. Outraged that her son was destroying the Dead Worlds and preventing reincarnation, Life gives Finn the Kiss of Life as his weapon. Finn and Jake fight New Death, who reveals that he is possessed by the Lich King, but soon turn against each other over the role of New Death's successor. Mr. Fox kills New Death instead and takes his place as the ruler of the Dead Worlds. The Lich's hand, the last remnant of the Lich King, is thrown into the Land of the Dead. Finn asks Mr. Fox to bring him back to a new life, while Jake decides to remain in the 50th Dead World. Jake changes his mind and joins Finn in reincarnation.

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