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Centaurs are beings with the upper body of humans and the lower body of horses. Much like actual horses they are mostly found in areas of grassland or sparse tree coverage, though smaller pockets of their population can be find in dense forest and desert regions. In ancient times they were quite rare within the lands of Oorikannegun but today they are very populous.    


  Isolated pockets of centaurs have lived within the lands of Oorikannegun for as long as people have been living there, though it was usually just a handful of tribes scattered throughout. Roughly 700 years ago that began to change as waves of them began to enter the region from distant lands to the far north, ecological collapse in their source lands having gotten so bad that large numbers began to make the dangerous treks to find new lands to settle. According to many centaurs themselves they passed through other lands too on their journey, having come from lands beyond the places most merchants even knew of of. In the time since the centaurs have adapted to the new environment just fine, with many merging with existing centaur populations and others either finding their own spaces or integrating into human societies. Today migrations from where they come from don't really happen anymore, nor are there even typically merchants from that far away, the foreign centaurs that come by are usually from much closer faraway lands. Most of the centaurs today assume the lands that many of their ancestors came from no longer support life and everyone spread out across the world and resettled.   


  Like most other groups Centaurs are extremely diverse in their cultures and societies, especially as many of the current population comes from the blending of two continents. In broad strokes the majority of centaurs live within the savanna regions as well as the edges of the desert regions, in both areas most of them live nomadic lifestyles between several core sites, at each site they frequently trade with the different settled communities they migrate by every year or two. Of those that don't live such life styles, most of which can be found within  the 7 Ta Kyauti (very prosperous city states) and the other areas under their control, a region where centaurs are fully mixed into the human society to the point that there are centaur noble houses within it. Those areas are home to the largest single concentration of centaurs as every village and every city has them making a notable percentage of the population. The remaining centaurs are spread around either in small groups living among others, more isolated tribes, or the occasional centaur village that one can come across when exploring.