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War of the Feydark

The sisters created this work from dreams, but that did not exclude the nightmares. The monsters were born from fear. In 1068 BC a rumble shook Drywood. Emerging from the ground was a Fey Worm. This worm devoured many and sought to consume more. The Venis Military took up arms, but they were no match for the strength of this creature. So The queens took to their crafts and realized they could not do this alone. And thus they created their Archfeys. Annrith formed her first Daughter Omeire. She is empowered with the wisdom of the forests. Then her next child Gliden pulled from the waters of the Clearwater Falls, would have the grace of the flowing waters. And finally her sole son, Barasil. Forged from the magma warming the sea, he has the fire of the sun. But Synth looked to a different inspiration. She created her twin children Lavina and Crux. Lavina is a cunning witch, wielding intelligence like a knife. Crux was created, a technological craftsman born of the Venomirror Wilds. He also possesses deadly intelligence. Avalan was then formed from the biting winds. Avalan rules Frost and controls it like it is second nature.   The war ended when Crux delt a final blow, one lethal to himself and the Feyworm.
Conflict Type
Start Date
1068 BC
Ending Date
1530 BC


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