Halfling clan beading Tradition / Ritual in OperaQuest | World Anvil
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Halfling clan beading

Halfling clan beading is the tradition among Halfling societies that denotes one's clan through a simple pattern of jewelry. A clan beading pattern typically contains a semi-precious stone and a specific type of wooden bead; glass, clay, porcelain, or (rarely) metal beads sometimes accompany these.   Clan beading is most commonly worn as a pendant. These pendants are passed down, generation after generation, through the oldest child (occasionally, oldest male child) of the family. Multiple pendants can exist within a clan, in which case they are passed down to multiple children. Adopted children and children with mixed ancestry are more than welcome to wear their clan's beading, but those unconnected with a clan are forbidden from wearing its beading pattern. The beading patterns are also occasionally worn in bracelets or rings, particularly among younger children of a clan. Typically, a clan ring is made of the wood of the clan pattern and inlaid with the semi-precious stone.   Below are a selection of beading patterns for a few well-known halfling clans. This list is by no means exhaustive.  
  • Arrowfern: Lapis lazuli with silver and cedar wood. Regal and forward-thinking, connected to both the stars and the gods. One of extremely few clan beadings to contain a precious metal, suggesting a possible distant connection to royalty.
  • Barleysheath: Onyx with sandstone and white glass. Humble and restrained, with exceptional self-control; may be suited to community or parochial leadership.
  • Budd: Turquoise with maple. Faithful, warm-hearted protectors.
  • Darkvine: Labradorite, clear glass, and pine. Exceptional intelligence and versatility; the ability to foresee the changing direction of the world and adapt along with it.
  • Eggbarton: Cats-eye, acacia wood, and speckled glass beads. A flighty nature, somewhat temperamental and fickle, but with a keen ability to sense changing winds and coming danger.
  • Jaunt: Jade with willow and blue glass. Flexible, light-hearted, and lucky; an association with travelers and the element of air.
  • Oakenheart: Jasper with oak and black glass. The heart of a warrior, unbreakable even in dark times.
  • Schutz: Tigers-eye with spruce and plain clay. Draws strength from hearth and earth, protective and resilient.
  • Strongpot: Rose quartz and cherry wood. Love, joy, and good fortune come easily.
  •   When needed, additional clan beadings can be chosen or generated using the following table:
    Pictured above: the Eggbarton clan beading.
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    Cover image: by Art by author.


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