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The Chaperone

“Here? No, nobody lives here. Not in the parts the mortal souls see, anyway. Consider this a... layover—between the mortal and immortal legs of your journey. Like I said, I am merely the Chaperone, here to guide you and comfort you—or in this case, babysit you and attempt to tolerate you—until your eternal resting place is ready. You made no deals with devils, you had no immortal patrons, you found favor with no gods... The only option left was me.”
—The Chaperone
  The Chaperone is the Demon tasked with shepherding departed mortal souls to the Lower Planes. He resides in the Desert of the Damned, the portion of the Liminal Planes that acts as the gateway to the afterlife for souls bound for the Nine Hells or another evil-aligned plane.   He appears as a green-skinned Tiefling, roughly seven-and-a-half feet tall, with curled ram's horns that spiral in on themselves several times. He is completely bald, with a dark goatee. Unlike ordinary tieflings, he has a forked tail (both ends of which appear to be prehensile) and the smooth cloven hooves of a horse. He dresses in simple cream-and-tan robes common for travelers in hot environments.   When a Soul arrives in the Lower Planes, the Chaperone is automatically waiting for them, standing in between the two red rocks where the stagecoaches for the damned arrive. He summons a tome bound in the doomed soul's skin that contains all the deeds and misdeeds of their life. For many souls, their tome will contain a record of a Devil they made a deal with, an evil-aligned god they worshipped, or some other entity from the Lower Planes for the Chaperone to send their stagecoach to. For those who have no particular associations, the Chaperone accompanies them directly to the Celestial Courts, whom he advises on their final resting place based on their actions.   Unlike his counterparts in the gateway to the Upper Planes, the Chaperone is usually described as being sarcastic and condescending, though usually not outwardly hostile unless provoked. He often mocks people for their actions in life, and does little to comfort those who expected to end up in the Upper Planes instead. The laws of the Litigation of Flames prevent the gatekeepers from stopping resurrections, but the Chaperone often tries to intimidate souls into proceeding forward into the Lower Planes.   His allegiance and home plane are unknown, but his relatively peaceful (if manipulative) demeanor suggest he is most likely a pledge of Crowley (though other theories assign him to the service of Graz'zt or Baphomet). He has never been known to associate with a plane besides the Liminal, nor is he believed to participate in the Blood Wars on any level.
neutral evil
Other Ethnicities/Cultures

Cover image: by mezzopatricia


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